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Speaking Follow Up Questions An Advertisement IELTS EXAM

Speaking Follow Up Questions An Advertisement IELTS EXAM

Speaking Follow Up Questions An Advertisement

Question: what are the pros and cons of advertising?

There are many pros and cons of advertising. The advantages are that ads tell us about the new products. They also tell us about the working of these products. Ads also touch social issues like pulse polio. Ads help businessmen to sell their products, which improves the overall economy of a country. The cons are that sometimes ads make false claims and the products are not that good otherwise. Secondly, the cost of promoting the product is added to the cost of the product which makes things costly. Thirdly, ads target children who are vulnerable and are easily influenced by ads. They pester their parents to buy the products, which upsets the family budget. Children also copy the stunts shown in the ads and can injure themselves. Finally, ads create a feeling of inadequacy among people by bombarding them with newer products every day. In order to buy these products people have become workaholics.

Question: Do you think there’s too much advertising in our daily lives?

Yes, there is too much advertising in our daily lives. In fact advertising has become an industry. It has become the backbone of many economies of the world. Ads are ubiquitous nowadays. We see ads on TV, newspapers, hoardings and flyers. We also get ads through the radio and the Internet.

Speaking Follow Up Questions An Advertisement

Question: In what ways do advertisements influence people?

Ads influence people in both good and bad ways. On the positive side ads tell us about the new products. They also tell us about the working of these products. Ads also touch social issues like female fratricide. Ads help businessmen to sell their products, which improves the overall economy of a country. The negative influences are that sometimes ads make false claims and the products are not that good otherwise. Secondly, the cost of promoting the product is added to the cost of the product which makes things costly. Thirdly, ads target children who are vulnerable and are easily influenced by ads. They pester their parents to buy the products, which upsets the family budget. Children also copy the stunts shown in the ads and can injure themselves. Finally, ads create a feeling of inadequacy among people by bombarding them with newer products every day. In order to buy these products people have become workaholics.

Speaking Follow Up Questions An Advertisement

Question: Do you think children are influenced by advertising in the same way that adults are?

No, certainly not. Children are vulnerable and are easily influenced by ads. They pester their parents to buy the products, which upsets the family budget. Children also copy the stunts shown in the ads and can injure themselves. On the other hand adults are mature and are not easily swayed by the ads.

Question: What are the main ways that advertising reaches people?

Advertisements reach people through TV, newspapers, hoardings and flyers. We also get ads through the radio, cell phone and the Internet.

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Question: What are the different forms of advertising that we have in society today?

We have ads on TV, newspapers, hoardings and flyers. We also get ads through the radio, cell phone and the Internet.

Question: How do advertisements differ between the different forms of media?

TV ads are audio visual. They have a better impact than radio ads which are only audio.Newspaper ads target those groups of people who read those newspapers. For example, local ads come on the local newspapers. Ads related to jobs come in newspapers such as Employment News. Magazines also target specific groups of people. For example, sports magazines have ads related to sports goods.

Question: How are advertisements on TV different to those in magazines or on the radio?

TV ads are audio visual. They have a better impact than radio ads which are only audio. Magazines also target specific groups of people. For example, sports magazines have ads related to sports goods.

Speaking Follow Up Questions An Advertisement

Question: Which of those do you think is the most effective means of advertising?

TV is the most effective means of advertising because it is an audio visual medium. TV is the most pervasive medium nowadays. It has reached every household.

Question: What is the purpose of advertising?

The purpose of advertising is to sell products or services. Ads also touch social issues like pulse polio. Ads help businessmen to sell their products, which improves he overall economy of a country.

Question: How do advertisements achieve this purpose?

Ads achieve this purpose by using celebrities. For example, when Madhuri Dixit says a face cream is good, people rush to buy that cream. Ads also keep bombarding people repeatedly about new products.

Question: Do you think most advertisements achieve their purpose?

Yes, most ads achieve their purpose because ads repeatedly show these products and people cannot resist buying them. Moreover, people blindly follow those celebrities who endorse these products.

Question: What makes a “good” advertisement?

The celebrities used to endorse products, the jingles used in the ads, the humor used in the ads and the repeated telecast makes a good ad.

Question: In general, what makes an advertisement effective?

The celebrities used to endorse products, the jingles used in the ads, the humor used in the ads and the repeated telecast make an ad effective.

Question: What makes an advertisement attractive to people?

The celebrities used to endorse products, the jingles used in the ads, the humor used in the ads and the repeated telecast make an ad attractive to people.

Question: Do you think the contents of advertisements are good?

Generally, the contents are good. Today, we belong to an era of cut-throat competition and the ads making false claims cannot survive for long. However, some ads show stunts which mislead children and so are not good.

Question: Do you think there should be any controls put on advertising?

Yes, definitely. The ads showing stunts should be banned. Ads of liquor and tobacco should be banned. Ads making false claims should also be banned.

Speaking Follow Up Questions An Advertisement

Question: Are there any problems concerning advertising in your country?

Yes, there are some ads showing stunts which put bad impact on children.

Question: Do you think advertising should strictly give truthful information about the products being advertised?

Yes, I think so because if ads make false claims then people would feel cheated and would lose their confidence in ads.

Question: Who controls advertising in your country?

The government controls ads in my country.

Question: Do you think the government should have stricter control over advertising?

Yes, definitely. The ads showing stunts should be banned. Ads of liquor and tobacco should be banned. Ads making false claims should also be banned.

Question: Do children pay attention to advertisements?

Yes, children pay attention to ads because ads today are very colorful, entertaining and so attract children.

Question: What do you think is the impact of advertising on children?

Children are vulnerable and are easily influenced by ads. They pester their parents to buy the products, which upsets the family budget. Children also copy the stunts shown in the ads and can injure themselves.

Question: Do you think advertising a certain product can ever have negative effects?

Yes, if and ad makes false claims then it can have negative impact. For example, the ad of AXE perfume shows that the boy who uses the perfume is followed by girls but recently, I read in the paper that someone has sued the company as the person who used this perfume for seven years failed to attract even a single girl.

Speaking Follow Up Questions An Advertisement

Question: What about adverting tobacco and alcohol – do you think these products should be advertised at all ?

Definitely not! These products are bad for health and should never be advertised.

Question:  What are some (famous) brands names that are especially popular with young people ?

Many brands are popular such as Reebok’s, Nike, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger etc.

Question: Why do you think young people are attracted to some particular brands?

Young people are attracted to these brands because they are endorsed by famous Celebes and young people consider them as status symbol. Secondly, some of these brands are very durable and are good value for money.

Question: In what ways are some advertisements aimed especially at young teenager?

Some ads are aimed especially at the young people by using celebrities to promote them. For example, John Abraham promotes an oil-free face wash for men. Young people follow such Celebes and rush to buy these products. Bikes are promoted by hot Celebes such as Salmon Khan and MS Dhoti to attract the youth.

Question: Do you think the brand of a product is important?

Yes it is important at least for me. I would rather buy one Levis Jeans a year than 5 non branded ones. I am very brand conscious. It is a status symbol for me.

Question: For the producer ,what are the advantages of having a well-known brand name?

A well known brand name does not require any effort to sell.

Question: Do you think the products with the less well-known brands are competitive with the well-known brands?

There are many people who cannot afford the well-known brands. In fact in a country like India with a population of 102 millions, the population of those people is higher. So those lesser known brands also have their own share of sales.

Speaking Follow Up Questions An Advertisement

Question: Are well-known brand name products cheaper or more expensive than products that have no brand name ?

Well known brands are definitely more expensive.

Question: Do you think too much money is spent advertising brand name products?

Yes, I think so. These brands use Celebes who take exorbitant amount for these ads. However, now these brands are so popular that they do not need any advertising.

Question: What do you think would be the result if less money were spent on this advertising? *

The prices of these brands could come down if less money were spent on these ads

Question: Is there much advertising on the internet?

Yes, there is too much advertising on the net.

Question: Why do many websites have advertisements?

Websites have ads to make money out of their sales.

Question: What do you think of these advertisements?

I think they are pretty good. But, they have a limited audience.

Question: what are the Advantages of advertisements?

There are many advantages of advertisements. Firstly ads tell us about new products. Ads also tell us how to use these products. If there is no electronic and print advertising many new products would not be bought. So, in this way ads help the manufacturers and consumers both. Secondly, ads also educate people about non commercial issues like AIDS, deforestation, and family planning. Advertising is a powerful medium and can reach out to the remote corners of the country.

Question: what are the Disadvantages of advertisements?

there are some disadvantages also. Some people, especially kids can be easily attracted by the false claims made by the ad companies. Secondly, ads create false needs i.e. promote consumerism. We end up buying and piling up things in the house, we do not need. Another disadvantage is that ads are unwanted intruders. Just when a TV programmed is going on, there is a commercial break. Telemarketing is another example. It is very disturbing. Just when you are doing some important work, you get a phone call to tell about a product or insurance plan, some surveys also claim that there is an increase in consumption of alcohol and cigarettes after viewing such ads.

Question: What is shop holism?

Shop holism is uncontrolled shopping in order to feel better about oneself. shop holism usually come back with bags and bags of items most of which will never be used.

Question: Can anything be done to solve the problem of shop holism?

Many things could be done. The onus is on the person himself Always pay in cash. Never take your credit card. The best thing would be to destroy the credit card altogether. Make a shopping list before you go and stick to it. Work out a monthly budget.

Question: What are the Advantages of Consumerism ?

Consumerism possesses many benefits. There is a greater level of employment as a result of consumerism, since industry depends on a strong labor force, made up of workers who produce a wide range of goods. Mass production mass employment It provides consumers with greater choice, which can only be beneficial. Mass production means the prices of things come down which benefits the consumer. Another benefit is that consumerism increases spending and boosts a country’s economy. Moreover it can increase its status in the world.

Question: Disadvantages of Consumerism ?

It can create a throw-away society. This has a negative impact because it can spoil the environment. For instance, it can create huge amount of waste which has to be disposed off through the use if landfill sites. Other problems include issues such as air and water pollution. This occurs as a result of by products of consumerism being released and absorbed. Consumerism also makes people spendthrifts. They waste their energy and money in buying trivial things. Furthermore, such attitude of higher spending generates vigor in people to earn more money . They become workaholics. Cant strike a balance between work and leisure or family and so it leads to stress. This leads to an adoption of unethical practices. People want to buy things and they can’t afford them the right way they may do petty crime – chain snatching, pick-pocketing, shop-lifting etc.

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