A Happy Memory from Your Childhood: Cue Card

A happy memory from your childhood. Please Say

  • What is that happy memory?
  • Who did what and why?
  • Why do you remember it so fondly?

Sample 1: A Happy Memory from Your Childhood: Cue Card

I would like to share one such pleasant memory from childhood. I vividly remember that it was my birthday during my primary education. My family members decided to celebrate this day with great pomp and make it memorable for me. I was ecstatic about it as many friends and extended family members were invited to the party.

On this special day, my siblings decorated our house so beautifully. Moreover, my mother prepared my favourite chocolate cake at home. It was a huge and magnificent-looking cake. Apart from this, she cooked other mouth-watering dishes for the guests.

I cut the cake in the evening, and people showered their blessings upon me. My excitement had no content while receiving countless gifts. Besides this, when my mom gave me a gift, she requested me to unwrap it, and I immediately did it. Honestly speaking, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw a kitchen set with a Barbie doll.


Explaining further, there are several reasons why I remember it so fondly. The first and foremost reason is that this was the first time when I celebrated my birthday.

Secondly, I got a lot of amazing gifts from people present there. Additionally, my mother’s stunningly beautiful gift made this very special and memorable day of my life. On top of it, plenty of pictures were clicked at the party, and I have kept them with great care. Seeing these photos makes me feel nostalgic.

Sample 2: A Happy Memory from Your Childhood: Cue Card

I had a good childhood, so every memory I have of my childhood is good. My parents are already supportive, and they are the best parents. So here I would like to talk about one experience that I had In Mount Abu.

When I was in 10th grade, and I had already taken my board exam and had a very good result, my parents and I decided to go to Mount Abu Hill Station to spend a good time there because my eldest sister lived there, and we spent 4 to 5 days there.

We also went there during the winter season, so there was a lot of snow there. I never had experience playing in snow, so that was also my first experience. And i can see that it is my best memory because we explored many areas like the river and we also went hiking and camping there.

I also bought many different kinds of toys because, at the time, every child loved to buy new toys at their age. And so i don’t remember how 14 days passed, but it was one of the most enjoyable moments of my life, and I will never forget their experience.

Part 3 Questions: A Happy Memory from Your Childhood: Cue Card

Question 1:- What do you think is the first moment of happiness that people remember?

Answer 1:- In my opinion, people love to remember their first moment of happiness with the memories of childhood days spent with their loved ones like grandparents and siblings. As I explained, ceremonies like birthdays and even Anniversaries bring people together, and everyone shares a moment of joy and laughter. I also believe, for parents, when their first ones are born, their lives are filled with happiness and pride, and this is also the first moment of pleasure. Each person has a different definition to describe their first moment of joy. In my life, when I got my first job in one of the biggest Multinational companies after graduation, it was the first moment of happiness after four years of painful and stressful days in finishing my graduation in engineering as I had some backlogs to clear till the end of the semester.

Answer 2:- The first time that people remember their happiness was in their childhood when they got their favourite toys, which were given to them by their parents. I can also see that we can’t remember our first happy event because, at the time, we had no knowledge to remember when we were one year old.

Question 2:- Why do you think some people remember more than others?

Answer 1:- Some people are god-gifted at remembering things. They have exact details of the events that happened in the past. On the other hand, most people are forgetful. I remember many memories from the past. However, I forget the most minor things in the present, like misplacing my belongings several times. It is said that genetics makes up about half of your ability to remember.

Answer 2:- Some people have a better IQ and habitually take notes of every phenomenon that happens in their lives at the end of the day. That’s why they get repetition and remember everything, while others have a very busy schedule, so they can’t think about these types of activities, which is why they have a terrible memory.

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