A healthy person is often described as someone who has a good diet, gets plenty of exercise and avoids stress. what should people do to stay healthy in your country? give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

A healthy person is often described as someone who has a good diet, gets plenty of exercises and avoids stress. what should people do to stay healthy in your country? give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Sample 1:-

As well all know ” health is the biggest assets” which one can have. Nowadays, due to modernization people adopt an unhealthy lifestyle instead of being healthy. It is true that a person who lives there life stressfree and does a lot of exercises remain always fit and healthy. I will elaborate in the following paragraph what are these steps which help people to live healthily.

First of all, the main step for good health is to eat a balanced diet. In other words, individuals include fruits, green vegetables and pulses in their daily food plan because these are a rich source of vitamins and nutrition which protect human being to be overweight. Apart from that, people should drink at least 8to10 glasses of water in a day. As a result of it, extra toxins can be removed from our body through urine and it stays a person young and fit lifelong.

Furthermore, humans should perform some physical activities in their daily routine to live physical well because in today’s time everyone depends on machines to do their work. Because of it, the immune system of our body does not work properly and it makes people unhealthy. So that if mankind wants to be fit and live longer then they should do exercises such as running, yoga, meditation and so on.  

To conclude, people who want to switch unhealthy to a healthy lifestyle. They should do some changes in their eating habits, be happy always and do exercise daily. As it is well said that ” Health is wealth” so everyone should take care of it.



Sample 2:-

These days people are becoming more concerned with remaining healthy and avoiding illness. there are several ways people stay healthy in my country, Australia. the key aspects are diet, exercise, and rest, and stress reduction.

Most Australians understand that it is necessary to eat well and eat regularly. having three good meals a day and actually taking time to eat properly is important.this means trying to have a balanced diet of protein( fish, meat or eggs) and vegetables and fruit, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

It is sometimes difficult to find time to exercise every day, but if we can manage to do some physical exercises a few days a week, then we will feel better for it. we will also sleep more soundly and peacefully. australians enjoy outdoor sports, swimming, and cricket in summer and football in winter.

Many Australians relax by walking or even, these days, practicing yoga. relaxing helps us to remain calm and reduce stress. the best way of reducing stress, however, is to understand what is causing it. if we have too many things to do, it is best to make a list, and then to organize what we have to do according to how important each item is. taking control is the best way to lower anxiety levels.

In conclusion, in Australia, with our wonderful climate and the availability of good fresh food, it is not difficult to stay healthy. by taking control of our lives and planning, we will all feel less stressed.

The center of education should be preparing human beings for participation in the works force. the reason behind this is that the top priority of any educating person is to get a well-established job. do you agree or disagree with the statement?

A healthy person is often described as someone who has a good diet A healthy person is often described as someone who has a good diet A healthy person is often described as someone who has a good diet 

A healthy person is often described as someone who has a good diet


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