A University Plans to Develop a New Research Centre in Your Country

A university plans to develop a new research centre in your country. Some people want a centre for business research. Other people want a centre for research in agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centres do you recommend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation.

In my country, Russia, I think that the question of whether to establish a new research centre in business or agriculture is a controversial one.

First of all, because both these centres must work together and cooperate, for example, a business research centre can collect information about what kind of cereal people prefer more and how much they consume every year. Then this information can be used by an agriculture research centre, which in its turn will provide the company engaged in farming with essential information.

Second of all, it isn’t easy to decide which research centre will bring more benefits to my country. On the one side, a business research centre can do the fascinating and essential research for the country’s economy. It can gather information about the small business in the country, consumer preferences, and what can be done to decrease the state debt. When I was in my third year in the university, we (I and my classmates) researched how many people use urban transportation every day and how much they spend on it monthly. It was really an amazing experience. We calculated numbers, learnt how to make conclusions and suggestions. On the other side, an agriculture research centre can be beneficial in studying the conditions under which the harvest of wheat or potato can be better, or the quality of vegetables can be improved. The increased harvest of wheat will bring more money to the companies engaged in farming.


With regard to mention above, I think that if I had to choose what research centre will be more useful for my country, it would be an agriculture research centre. Because nowadays I tend to think that good harvest is more important for people of my country than knowing how advertising influence people’s behaviour.

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