Describe a city or town you visited that you liked Speaking Ielts Exam

Describe a city or town you visited that you liked Speaking IELTS Exam what is the name and where is it when you visited it. why did you like it what are the attractive places of this city Well there is a number of states and cities in India. Here I would like to talk about […]

Describe a city or town you visited that you liked Speaking Ielts Exam Read More »

An occasion where you spent time with children speaking IELTS EXAM

An occasion where you spent time with children speaking IELTS EXAM who the child is how you know him/her why you spent time with him/her Well, I love to spent time with Children because they have a pure heart. For me, children play a stress buster role in my life. Today I talk about my

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Talk About a Wish that You Could Not Accomplish for A Long Time Speaking IELTS EXAM

Talk About a Wish that You Could Not Accomplish for A Long Time Speaking IELTS EXAM

Talk about a wish that you could not accomplish for a long time speaking IELTS EXAM What it is? How long you have it? What do you have to do to achieve it? Everyone has wishes or dreams, but not all can be fulfilled simultaneously. 🌟 Here, I’d like to talk about one of my

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