Follow-Ups Describe a Time That You Were Waiting for Something

Follow-Ups Describe a time that you were waiting for something Question: Do you think patience is important? Yes, patience is very important. Everything takes time. Nothing can be achieved instantly. Patience helps to wait for things. If we are not patient, we tend to finish things hurriedly, which spoils things. Question: Why is it difficult for children […]

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Speaking Follow Up Questions Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently IELTS EXAM

Speaking follow up Questions a family member who made you proud

Speaking Follow Up Questions Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently Question: How do people in India spend their leisure time, for example, after school, after work or on weekends? People spend their leisure time in many ways. Some watch TV, some go out with family and friends, some listen to music, some

Speaking Follow Up Questions Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently IELTS EXAM Read More »

Speaking Follow up Questions Describe a Time You Were Very Busy IELTS EXAM

Speaking Follow up Questions Describe a Time You Were Very Busy IELTS EXAM

Speaking Follow-Up Questions Describe a time you were very busy Question: Do you like the fast pace of modern life? I do not like the fast pace of modern life much, but I think that there is no escape from it. Question: How do you feel when you are really busy? When I’m busy, I

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Speaking Follow up Questions Describe a Team Project for Study or Entertainment IELTS EXAM

Speaking Follow up Questions Describe a Team Project for Study or Entertainment IELTS EXAM

Speaking Follow Up Questions Describe a team project for study or entertainment Question: What kinds of qualities does a leader need? A leader needs to have good communication skills. He should be able to lead by example. If he wants his team to be punctual he should himself be punctual. You should know how to

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Speaking Follow up Questions Describe an Area of Science that You Are Interested In IELTS EXAM

Speaking Follow up Questions Describe an Area of Science that You Are Interested In

Speaking Follow-Up Questions Describe an area of science that you are interested in Question: What is your opinion of modern education? I think that modern-day education has changed for the better. The schools today have smart classes and technology has been incorporated well in the classroom. Also, the focus now is also shifting from an

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Speaking Follow Up Questions Describe a place where you relaxed IELTS EXAM

Speaking Follow Up Questions Describe a place where you relaxed IELTS EXAM

Speaking Follow Up Questions: Describe a place where you relaxed Question: Do you like to visit movie theaters? Yes, I like to visit movie theaters. Once in a month or two I watch a movie in the cinema. Question: Where do Indian people like to go on weekends? Indian people like to go cinemas, shopping malls,

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