Talk about a difficult word that you learned to pronounce

Talk about a difficult word that you learned to pronounce

Talk about a difficult word that you learned to pronounce What is this word? Where did you read it for the first time? How do you find the meaning of the word? Why do you find it challenging to learn? Sample Well, I’ve always been eager to learn something new in my life, whether it’s […]

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Describe a Job that You Think Is Interesting: Cue Card

Describe a Job that You Think Is Interesting: Cue Card

Describe a job that you think is interesting. What is it? Why do you think it is interesting? How do you know it? What necessary skills does it need? Semple : Describe a Job that You Think Is Interesting: Cue Card I think driving is a very interesting job, especially for pilots, because you need

Describe a Job that You Think Is Interesting: Cue Card Read More »

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