Essay Layout for Writing Task 2 IELTS EXAM

Essay Layout for Writing Task 2 IELTS EXAM     1.Problem & solution : Introduction: It is certainly true that………………………. After providing careful analysis on how/why the problem has risen so sharply in these world/country/community. I shall suggest a number of ways to tackle the problem. B.P.1: This is one of the worst social/environment evil. […]

Essay Layout for Writing Task 2 IELTS EXAM Read More »

Environmental problems such as pollution and climatic variations are increasing Environmental problems such as pollution and climatic variations are increasing nowadays. The governments have taken some measures at a global level. IELTS EXAM

Environmental problems such as pollution and climatic variations are increasing Environmental problems such as pollution and climatic variations are increasing nowadays. The governments have taken some measures at a global level. But they got only few solutions. Why is it so? How can this problem be solved? Saving the environment has become the top priority

Environmental problems such as pollution and climatic variations are increasing Environmental problems such as pollution and climatic variations are increasing nowadays. The governments have taken some measures at a global level. IELTS EXAM Read More »

In some countries fast food restaurants and supermarkets give money to schools to promote their products. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? ielts exam

In some countries fast food restaurants and supermarkets give money to schools to promote their products. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? In the highly competitive era of today, marketers such as restaurants and supermarkets have realized the marketing opportunity offered by schools and so are giving money to schools. Even

In some countries fast food restaurants and supermarkets give money to schools to promote their products. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? ielts exam Read More »

Interviews form the basic selecting criteria for most large companies.

# Interviews form the basic selecting criteria for most large companies. However, Interviews form the basic selecting criteria for most large companies. However, some people think that the interview is not a reliable method of choosing whom to employ and there are other better methods. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Recruiting new

Interviews form the basic selecting criteria for most large companies. Read More »

Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behavior Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situation? How to improve it? ielts exam

Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behavior Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situation? How to improve it? It is unfortunate that in the midst of vast progress in every field of life

Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behavior Many people believe that today there is a general increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect for others. What might have caused this situation? How to improve it? ielts exam Read More »

Some people believe that young people know about international pop and movie Some people believe that young people know about international pop and movie stars but know very less about famous people from the history in their own country ielts exam

Some people believe that young people know about international pop and movie Some people believe that young people know about international pop and movie stars but know very less about famous people from the history in their own country. Why is this? How can more interest be created in young people to gain more knowledge

Some people believe that young people know about international pop and movie Some people believe that young people know about international pop and movie stars but know very less about famous people from the history in their own country ielts exam Read More »

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