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Compare Tea and Coffee IELTS Speaking Cue Card Topic

Compare Tea and Coffee Ielts Speaking Cue Card Topic

Compare Tea and Coffee IELTS Speaking Cue Card Topic with Sample Answer

Tea and coffee, both beloved beverages worldwide, offer unique experiences whether enjoyed hot or cold. The history of tea stretches back to around 2700 B.C., making it an ancient drink, whereas coffee’s origins are traced to 674 A.D.

Health-wise, green tea boasts potential benefits including cancer prevention and lowering the risk of hypertension and diabetes, benefits not as prominently linked to coffee.

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The caffeine content also varies significantly, with tea containing about 55mg per cup compared to coffee’s 125 – 185 mg. Economically, tea generally comes cheaper than coffee.

Culturally, tea is often associated with tranquillity and a peaceful ambience, contrasting with the fast-paced and energetic culture surrounding coffee consumption.

These distinctions not only mark their unique places in our diets but also reflect their different roles in cultures around the globe.

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