Describe a Person Who Thinks Music Is Important and Enjoys Music

Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music
and you should say

  • who this person is ?
  • how you know him or her ?
  • what music he/she likes
  • why heor she thinks music is important
  • and explain how you feel about him or her

Sample Answer of Describe a Person Who Thinks Music Is Important and Enjoys Music

One of the people I know who truly believes in the importance of music and enjoys it immensely is my friend, Priyanka. Priyanka and I have been friends since our university days, where we first met during a cultural event organized by the music club. Our shared love for music has been a strong bond in our friendship ever since.

Priyanka has a deep affection for soft and Sufi Punjabi music. She is particularly fond of artists such as Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Abida Parveen, and Satinder Sartaaj. The soulful and spiritual nature of their music, combined with the poetic lyrics, resonates deeply with her. She also enjoys the soothing melodies of traditional Punjabi instruments like the harmonium and tabla, which are often featured in Sufi music.

Priyanka believes that music is essential for several reasons.Firstly, she finds that music has a profound ability to convey emotions and tell stories without the need for words. she finds that Sufi Punjabi music has a profound ability to touch the soul and elevate the spirit. The devotional and introspective lyrics offer her a sense of peace and connection to her cultural roots. Additionally, she views music as a powerful tool for relaxation and stress relief. Listening to soft music after a long day helps her unwind and find inner tranquility.


My feelings towards Priyanka are those of deep admiration and respect. Her passion for music is truly inspiring, and her ability to appreciate the depth and beauty of Sufi Punjabi music has enriched my own musical tastes. I am constantly amazed by her extensive knowledge of music and her dedication to exploring and understanding the cultural and spiritual aspects of the genres she loves. Priyanka’s belief in the power of music to heal and uplift the soul is something I wholeheartedly agree with, and it has influenced my own appreciation for music

All in all, Priyanka’s love for soft and Sufi Punjabi music and her belief in its importance have had a significant impact on those around her. Her enthusiasm for music is a beautiful reminder of how powerful and transformative music can be. I feel fortunate to have a friend like Priyanka, whose passion for music continues to enrich my life and broaden my musical horizons.

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