Describe a situation when you were not allowed to use Mobile/cell phone
Where was it?
When was it?
Why were you not allowed?
What did you want to do with your cell phone?
Well, in this modernization would, everyone like the cell phone, the cell phone is used to call everyone as well as yo uses the internet .but here, I would like to talk about a situation when I was not allowed to use the cell phone. I am a student of B.C.A 6th semester.
Last Monday. It was my examination of subject “system analysis and design” also called Sad”. It was held at L.L.R memorial college, Dhudike (moga). These were, the cell phones were not allowed in the examination: hall or Room. When I visited the Examination hall, I had a cell phone, and I forgot to switch off it .when, one hour had passed, my phone was ringing, and the examining teacher asked us why we have a cell phone.
I felt terrible and embarrassed. then, I gave my cell phone to examine the teacher and got the book after the examination. There is also one recession to prohibit cell phones in the examination room. The students have cheated in the exams checking information on the internet according to the questions that appeared in the exam. so I remember this situation in my whole life
Follow Up Questions Describe a situation when you were not allowed to use Mobile/cell phone
Question:- What’s the effect of the mobile phone?
Question:- Why young people want Expensive mobile phones?
Question:- What’s the smartphone utilized the most for?
Question:- What’s your view about selfies?
Question:- What’s your view on buying an expensive phone?
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