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Describe a Time when You Had to Lend Something to A Person You Know

Describe a Time when You Had to Lend Something to A Person You Know (1)

Describe a time when you had to lend something to a person you know.

Sample 1: Describe a Time When You Had to Lend Something to A Person You Know

I am fascinated by reading, and I can recall the incident of my childhood when I bought a book from my savings. It was about how to increase memory. One of my relatives came to see us and accidentally noticed this book on my desk. It was new, and I had hardly read it.

The relative asked me if he could borrow, he being older than me, I couldn’t say no. He promised that he would return the book next week. I was skeptical, and with a heavy heart, I lent it. And he never returned that book.

He asked me for a quick read. I never dared to ask him, even though he visited our house a couple of times later. I felt let down and remorse.

After that, I never greeted him pleasantly whenever he visited our house. Maybe he forgot about the book, but I never came over the loss of that particular book. This incident taught me a lesson: never to trust a man’s word, especially if it’s related to a book.

Sample 2: Describe a Time When You Had to Lend Something to A Person You Know

One of my friends is coming to take my bike sometime. This is because he doesn’t have a bike, so whenever you have any, you will use my bike.

Just last week, I gave him my bike for her medical emergency. It was Sunday. I also needed a bike, but he had some emergency, so I gave my back to him.

My bike to go to the hospital. As I said, if you do not have a bike, you should go on public transport if you. If I have an emergency, he will use my bike.

I will feel very happy when I give my back to him. This is because I am helping him, so it’s a good thing.

Yes, I would love to give him my bike again in the future because he is a kind person, and I have known him for many years and never returned my bike in bad condition.

Follow-up Questions

Question 1: What do you think of people who are posting about their personal life on social media?

Answer 1:- If this post is about travel and cooking or some skills I like. But If the posts are about some material boosting, I dislike it. I think it’s vague to display your wealth and possessions publicly.

Answer 2:- Many people use to post on social media about their personal life. I don’t know why people are sharing their things on social media. But I don’t have any issue also because it depends on person to person then it will be very too person to person so let them decide what to do.

Question 2: How do you feel about sharing research documents online?

Answer 1:- Sharing your research documents online is not a good idea. The amount of effort you take to develop your ideas and put them into words takes a toll on you and is time-consuming. Such data can be stolen and copied. This material can then be reprinted and used as their material, which is saddening.

Answer 2:- I will never share research documents online. This is because we have to check the security of that online site. It will upload any research directly, which may cause problems, too.

Question 3: Why aren’t children willing to share their things, such as toys?

Answer 1:- Children are possessive and fear that their toys may be taken and never returned. This thought does not allow them to share their toys.

Answer 2:- Yes, I observed children used not to give these two ways to others. This is the one type of skill to save their things and their toys. It’s a God’s gift, so we cannot change it.

Question 4: How can parents teach their children about sharing?

Answer 1:- From an early age, if parents instill the values and importance of sharing, like implying it’s better to give than receive. The children can adapt to such things and, in their adulthood, can be better at sharing.

Answer 2:- Once children become younger, parents will try to treat them to share their toys and everything with others. For example, parents will have time to share their things with others and ask others to share their things with their children.

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