Describe any food that you would like to the first-time try.

Describe any food that you would like to the first-time try.

You should say:-

  • What it is
  • How you learned about this food.
  • Where it is mostly taken to
  • Explain why you want to try this food. 

Today my cue card is overseas food that I have tasted the first time.

Although, last Sunday my uncle come from the United Kingdom for holidays and I invited him to my house Even though and we provided him with the food that was the silver bead with maize bread. sometimes, we provided him some yogurt shake along with white butter. though and we tasted it on a native bed in the early morning.

Certainly, he was born in the United Kingdom so he was born English. gradually he also invited me to his house for dinner and he promised me to made Something special “An English Dish” for me. And I was very much glad. Even though, when I reached over there it was a great meal and the presentation was also very great.  It was a long Salmon Fish deeply fries over there as well.

More likely, on the side of the fish, there were some boiled vegetables:- Broccoli and green peas the Whole fish was covered with mustard mayonnaise and sweet chili sauce along with the mint sauce.


Finally, that was a really great meal and I also spread some oregano and herbs on the delicious overseas meal. I had ever tasted in my entire life. I was very much thankful to my uncle. Last but not least, it was very much fabulous.

It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations.

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communication and state which you consider to be the most effective

Describe any food that you would like to the first-time try to Describe any food that you would like to the first-time try Describe any food that you would like to the first-time try Describe any food that you would like to the first-time try to Describe any food that you would like to the first-time try

Describe any food that you would like to the first-time try


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