General Reading mock Test 13-01-2019


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General Reading 12.45 PM 01.00 PM 02.15 PM


SECTION 1 Questions 1– 14

Read the text below and answer Questions 1– 6.


A love affair that lasts a lifetime

It’s hard not to fall in love with Cornwall. For some, it’s the happy memories of a childhood seaside holiday. For others, it’s the brief fling of a teenage summer. For most it’s a passionate affair that lasts a lifetime…so let the affair begin!

Where is Cornwall?

Located in the far west of Great Britain, Cornwall is almost completely surrounded by the sea and has a magnificent 300-mile coastline. It is also the location of mainland Great Britain’s most southerly promontory, The Lizard, and one of the UK’s most westerly points, Land’s End.

Expect the unexpected

But there are also lots of things about Cornwall that may surprise you. For instance, the wilderness of Bodmin Moor with its panorama of big skies. There’s also the dynamic art scene found mainly in West Cornwall, inspired by the naturally stunning landscapes. More recently, Cornwall has become known for a food scene to rival London and beyond.

What’s so special about it?

There are lots of things Cornwall is loved for; the dramatic coastline with its captivating fishing harbours; the spectacular beaches and the pounding surf that provide a natural playground for a variety of water sports; and of course the Cornish pasty and cream teas.

History and culture

Cornwall also has a tremendous history based on its Celtic roots; its Celtic Cornish culture; the warmth and friendliness of the people; and the Cornish language that can be seen in the village names. Cornwall is truly unique.

Why not visit some of Cornwall’s most iconic experiences. From towering castles,  beautiful gardens and places steeped in legends and history, you’ll be spoilt for choice.  Here are a few to get you started.

Trebah Garden – near Falmouth
One of the great gardens of Cornwall and rated among the 80 finest gardens in the world, discover the magic of this beautiful Cornish valley garden with over four miles of footpath.

Lanhydrock – Bodmin
Lanhydrock boasts a magnificent late Victorian country house with gardens and a wooded estate. Discover two sides of Victorian life: those ‘below stairs’, and those ‘upstairs’.

Geevor Tin Mine – near Penzance
Geevor tin mine is one of the largest preserved mine sites in the country and a Cornish  Mining World Heritage Site. Housed in two acres of listed buildings, Geevor’s collections and guides bring the story of Cornwall’s rich industrial past to life.

Questions 1– 6

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 1– 6 on your answer sheet.

1 Cornwall has stunning coastal views including the most …………………….. point in  Great Britain.
2 Apart from the coastal views, the amazing landscapes have inspired an unexpected but thriving………………………
3 Cornwall can now be compared to …………………….. for its food and amazing chefs.
4 One thing that makes Cornwall different from the rest of England is its…………………….. heritage.
5 The perfect place to discover insights into lifestyles from a bygone era is………………………
6 The perfect place to discover insights into Cornwall’s industrial past is a………………………

Read the text below and answer Questions 7– 14


Worker bees are between 8-19mm in length. They are divided into three distinct parts; head, thorax, abdomen. They have an almost completely black head, a thorax that is golden brown and black with patches of orange, and yellow bands can be easily seen on the abdomen. At the front of the head are two antennae for sensing their environment. They have four single wings. The largest are called forewings and the smallest hindwings. The hind legs are specialized for collecting pollen – each leg is flattened to form a pollen basket near the end of each leg.

Love them or hate them, we need bees to pollinate many important food crops, including most fruit and vegetables. Bee-pollinated crops are important sources of vitamins A and C, and minerals like calcium. By pollinating attractive wildflowers like bluebells and poppies, bees also help support the natural environment that people love – benefitting us culturally and economically, as well as ecologically. calculations from the University of Reading show that £510 million of annual total crop sales in the
The UK is pollinated by bees and other insects.

What would happen if there were suddenly no more bees to pollinate these crops? This is a question being asked by farmers, beekeepers, and scientists because bees are now dying in their millions and they want to know why.

It’s widely recognized now that changes in agriculture are the main cause of bee decline across Europe. For example, hay meadows, which are full of many different plant species, have declined by 97 percent
since the 1930s, removing an important source of food for bees.

This has happened because of the trend towards growing the same crop (monocultures) over large fields. This has reduced the diversity of flowers available and resulted in the removal of hedges. Species that have more specialized food needs, like the Shrill Carder Bee, have been particularly hard hit. It is now listed as an endangered species.

With fewer hedges, bees find it more difficult to move between feeding and nesting sites. This is because hedges act as corridors for bees to move along, but with fewer hedges movement becomes more difficult.

Pests and diseases are also a major threat to honey bees and other managed bees. The Varroa mite is thought to be one of the main causes of native honey bee loss. The impact on wild bees is harder to assess but ‘spill-over’ of diseases and pests between wild and managed bees has increasingly been observed.

Climate change has an effect as it can alter the timing of plant flowering or the time that bees come out of hibernation, which means bees may emerge before there is enough food available.

Questions 7 – 14

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 7-14 on your answer sheet.

7 Apart from pollinating crops how else do bees help us?

A economically
B culturally
C ecologically
D all of the above

8 Why have the variety of flowers available for bees to pollinate fallen ?

A conservation measures
B less hedges
C fertilizers
D urban development

9 There are many reasons for the decline in bees but what is one of the major reasons
for shrinking numbers of native honey bees?

A Varroa mites
B spill-over
C managed bees
D hard to assess

10 Why might bees end their hibernation at a different time?

A to pollinate more flowers
B to get more food
C climate change
D to emerge with other bees

Questions 11 – 14

The diagram below shows the worker bee.

Label the diagram.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.

SECTION 2 Questions 15– 27

Read the text below and answer Questions 15– 20.

The Printing Process

The world entered its first information revolution when the first printing press was built in 1450. Before this, typical ways of recording information were to carve words onto clay tiles and bamboo or to write on parchment or papyrus. Fast forward to the digital age, the second information revolution, and it has now become possible to self-publish, have books printed in paperback or as an e-book, and some books are even free!

Digital warehouse
Long gone are the days when every book was printed before there was a buyer. Why print thousands of books only to find out that very few people want to buy them? Now it is possible to work with a printer in a process called Print On Demand (POD) and only print a paperback when you have an order.

To do this a printer has a digital warehouse with every book stored electronically. Once an order is placed, the printer has all of the electronic data necessary to print and deliver the book to its intended destination. Every month money is sent to all of the authors that have sold books that month.

Giving your book to the printer

Once written, an author can send his book electronically to the printer in the form of a PDF file or as a hardcopy that can be scanned and digitized by the printer. Processing fees for all services from a printer are minimal but allow you to have access to large distribution networks of not only online bookstores but also the bricks and mortar retailers. These people may not buy your book but your book will be in their catalogues and they will order from the printer if someone asks for it.

Two Concerns
Speed is not the only priority for the printer, they are also concerned with quality and have 10 quality control checks on each book before it is shipped.

Sharp graphics and crisp text make it virtually impossible to distinguish a POD book from the more traditional offset copies. As technology continues to improve this can only get better.

As an author, it is possible to choose the type of book you want; paperback, hardback, or e-book (now the most popular form of book), the size of your book, type of paper, and type of cover (laminated, cloth or jacketed for hardbacks).

Questions 15– 20

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15– 20 on your answer sheet.

15 We experienced our first information revolution with the development of the………………………
16 It is no longer necessary to print books in their………………………
17 Print On Demand works by making sure that the printer has been given all of the relevant………………………
18 If necessary the printer will scan and digitize your………………………
19 The latest technology makes the difference between offset printing and Print On Demand almost …………………….. to tell.
20 Apart from the traditional hardback and paperback books, authors can now publish in …………………….. form.

Read the text below and answer Questions 21– 27.


Developed more than 5,000 years ago, yoga can be a way of life that benefits you physically, mentally, and spiritually. But where to start? Here is a quick summary of five of the most common yoga styles practiced today.

Questions 21 – 27

Look at the following statements and the list of yoga styles below.

Match each statement with the correct style, A-E.

Write the correct letter, A-E, in boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

21 A style where breathing and movement are in harmony.
22 A style that focuses on improving your posture.
23 A style for starters wanting to improve their breathing.
24 A style that can help recovery from an injury and helps with posture.
25 A style for someone hoping to lose weight.
26 A style that helps muscles relax.
27 A style that helps you to develop your spirituality.

Yoga Styles
A Hatha
B Vinyasa
C Ashtanga
D Iyengar
E Bikram

SECTION 3 Questions 28– 40

Read the text below and answer Questions 28– 40

British Study Centres
English Language School 

English for Life
Language courses at British Study Centres are planned and delivered to equip students with the language skills they need to achieve their future dreams. This is achieved through ongoing structured dialogue between the student and teacher involving the use of tutorials, needs analysis questionnaires and so on.

School Locations
Study English in four of the UK’s most exciting cities: London, Oxford, Brighton and Bournemouth.

English Courses
Choose from a range of General English, Exam Preparation (including IELTS) and Business English programmes.

History of British Study Centres
British Study Centres was founded in the 1930s by Joseph Cleaver, grandfather of current Chairman and Chief Executive, Simon Cleaver.
The state-of-the-art Oxford language school is fitted with the very best in language learning facilities, offering students a unique modern learning experience. To this day the Company remains a family firm privately owned and managed by Simon and his family.
In the early days, the Company concentrated on correspondence courses and quickly established offices and examination centers across the entire (then) British Empire and beyond and in the process became the UK’s largest group of correspondence colleges.
In the 1970s, the Company, now run by Joseph’s sons, James and Thomas, began to focus on face-to-face tuition with the establishment of vocational colleges in London, Oxford, and Brighton.
In the 1990s the Company established its first English language school in Oxford in 1996 followed by Brighton in 2002 and London in 2004. Since then all of these schools have expanded to cope with increasing demand.
In 2008 the Company moved into the young learners market with the acquisition of ICH (International College Holidays) that specialized in vacation courses for 10-15 years olds. They now run these courses in 5 institutes including the University of Brighton.
In 2010 the fourth school for adults opened in the south coast town of Bournemouth. In the same year, they opened a specialist Teacher Training Facility in Oxford.

In 2012 live online lessons were launched with teachers using the latest video conferencing technology.

In recent years the Company has been honoured to win a number of awards associated with the language school industry, including twice winner of Study Travel Magazine’s coveted ‘Star’ English Language School Europe award in 2010 and 2012, and winner of Study Travel Magazine’s ‘Star’ Junior Courses for under 18s in 2012.

Study English in Oxford BSC, a City Made for Students!
40,000 students and 39 unique university colleges give Oxford a very special ‘student’ atmosphere – an ideal place to learn English! It has a deserved worldwide reputation for the quality of education. Oxford University is the oldest English speaking university in the world, dating back to 1249. It is consistently ranked in the top three in the world. Oxford is located in the heart of England and benefits from excellent road and rail links to London (50 minutes) and the rest of the UK. The city sits on the banks of the Thames and boasts a variety of world-famous museums, galleries, and libraries. Besides the traditional, there are hundreds of modern restaurants, pubs, clubs and riverside cafes to enjoy.

Key Facts for Oxford BSC
No. of students (peak season)


No. of students (low season)


Average age


Minimum age


Average class size

11( max 4)

Questions 28 – 34

Complete the table below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 28-34 on your answer sheet.

Questions 35 – 40

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?

In boxes 35-40 on your answer sheet, write

YES                            if the statement reflects the claims of the writer
NO                            if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN         if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

35 There is not much interaction between the student and teacher.
36 James Cleaver is Simon Cleaver’s father.
37 Oxford University is the oldest university in the world.
38 There are a few banks by the Thames.
39 They never teach students older than 25.
40 They never have more than 14 students in the class.

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