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Hct Graduates by Collage. Write a Report for a University Lecturer Describing the Information Below.

Hct Graduates by Collage. Write a Report for a University Lecturer Describing the Information Below. (1)

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below. You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar graph illustrates the details of university presentations by HCT graduates from several provinces in the nation of united Arab emirates, measured in numbers.

Overall, it is immediately apparent from the graph that both men and women from Dubai represent the highest number of lecturers. Still, Kas AI Khaimah remained at a lower lecturer rate for both genders.

In the beginning, men’s lecturer rates were at the top, with precisely 420 HCT graduates in Dubai. Similarly, the ratio of woman lecturers from Dubai also skyrocketed to 457. Moreover, the trend of university lecturers frequently moved up in the city of EIAIN with men lecturers at 131, and this ratio increased by 87 in women’s categories. Moreover, Sharjah men’s and women’s were slightly similar to each other in terms of university lecturers, which accounted for nearly 186.

Probing further, the instructor in a university measured surged trend by the woman’s with shares at 293, but this ratio declined by 20 in the men’s category in Abu Dhabi. It is interesting to note that the university scholars from RSAI Khaimah recorded most lowest HCT graduates in men’s at 102; surprisingly, women’s tutors were quite famous and hiked at 178

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