IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 679 Recent IELTS Exam Tests

IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 679 Recent Exam Tests Must Read These Instructions Before Participating in Exam.

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IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 679

Academic Writing Task 1

The line graph shows Paris Metro station passengers. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting on the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
The line graph shows Paris Metro station passengers

General Writing Task 1

You are working for a company. It would be best if you took some time off work and want to ask your manager about this. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter:-

  • Explain why you want to take time off work.
  • Give details of the amount of time you need.
  • Suggest how your work could be covered while you are away.

General / Academic Writing Task 2

Some feel that movies and TV shows are a good way to study history despite their lack of historical accuracy at times. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Part 1  Your Home Nation/Country

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What do you like the most about your country?
  3. Where would you like to live in your country?
  4. Are people in your country patriotic?

Part 2 Cue Card

What are the disadvantages when there are too many tourists on one site?

  • When did this happen?
  • Where were you?
  • How did you adapt to the new environment?
  • How did this experience impact you?

Part 3 Questions

  1. Did you experience any culture shock when adapting to the new environment? How did you manage it?
  2. Were there any specific challenges that you faced when adapting to the new environment? How did you overcome them?
  3. What skills did you develop as a result of adapting to the new environment? How have they helped you in other areas of your life?
  4. Do you think it’s important to adapt to new environments? Why or why not?

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