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Increasing the Price of Petrol Is the Only Way to Solve Environmental Problems: Writing Task 2

Increasing the Price of Petrol Is the Only Way to Solve Environmental Problems Writing Task 2

Increasing the price of petrol is the only way to solve environmental problems. Do you agree or disagree?

The increase in the production and demand of vehicles nowadays has resulted in the increased petrol demand by road users, which has led many to argue that they can solve pollution issues in the environment by increasing the price of petroleum products. The increase in petrol price will make little or no significant difference in resolving environmental problems.

Increasing the price of petroleum products is unnecessary, and the outcome therein will lead to hardship and a high cost of living, as goods and services involve transportation. For instance, food products shipped from one region to the other, through any means that uses petrol, will increase the cost of food products. Furthermore, road users will always buy petrol no matter the rise in the price of the product because road users will always make a considerable profit from their service from the end user, which is the consumers.

Moreover, to tackle an environmental problem, scientists need to engage in further research on how to reduce the harmful effect of petroleum products by making the products to be ozone friendly. For instance, in Namibia, petrol station has other addictive that can be added to petrol during the purchase that dramatically reduces the harmful effect of petrol on the environment.

In conclusion, though there are reasons to argue for increasing petrol prices to reduce environmental pollution, working on the harmful effects of petroleum products is of more economic value to society.

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