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Information About Student Enrolments at Manchester University

Information About Student Enrolments at Manchester University (1)

The table below gives information about student enrolments at Manchester University in 1937, 1967 and 2017. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

This table depicts some information about students registers at Manchester University in three different years ( 1973, 1967, 2017 ). It’s clear from the table that the number of students enrolled in the university grew up speedily.

According to what is shown in the table. The number of students enrolled was 327 students in 1937, and it increased quickly to become 1133 students after 30 years and 6254 students in 2017. The percentage of female was 45%, that was lower by 10% than the percentage of male in 1937, the percentage of female decreased by 10 % to become 35% in 1967, by contrast, the percentage of male increased by 10 % to become nearly the double of female at the same year, in 2017, the percentage of male decreased by 20 % to become 45% where the percentage of female increased by 20% to become 55%.

The percentage of students who came from within 40 miles of Manchester was 55% in 1937, and it went down by 30% to become 15% in 1967 and 1-2% in 2017. The percentage of students who came overseas was 6% from 4 countries in 1937, and It increased to 32% from 102 countries in 2017.

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