Keys: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Latest Questions And Answers

Keys: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Latest Questions With Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Keys: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Latest Questions With Answers

Question 1:- Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?

Answer 1:- Well, Not a lot, but I have the habit of carrying keys which are essential.

Answer 2:- No, I always try to bring fewer keys with me whenever I go outside because I’m afraid of Losing my keys. So I always bring my house key and my bike key.

Question 2:- Have you ever lost your key?

Answer 1:– On several occasions, I have lost my key; that’s the reason I have made a point always to carry key, which are mostly hooked to my pockets.


Answer 2:- Yes, when I was in seven standards at that time, I lost my bike key, and my parents scolded me a lot. And after that, I always try to be careful with my keys.

Question 3:- Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out?

Answer 1:- Not really, but yes, it has happened to me once or twice. But thanks to my family. There is always who comes to my rescue.

Answer 2:- After that event occurred, that was in a seven standard. I’ll just try to be careful, and I never lose any keys or lock myself in any particular area.

Question 4:- Do you think it’s a good idea to leave your key with a neighbor?

Answer 1:– It’s an excellent idea to leave your key with neighbors. Only your neighbors should be trustworthy.

Answer 2:- It depends on your relationship with your neighbors and also depends on your character of your neighbors. If your neighbor has quite a good character, then you can leave your house keys and other keys at home.

Question 5:- What do you think are the most common uses for key?

Answer 1:- The keys are used to unlock your house doors. Some key  also are used to ignite your vehicles.

Answer 2:– The most common uses of keys are for locking things, like houses and bikes, and sometimes big lockers that people use to store their valuables.

Question 6:- How important are key in our daily lives?

Answer 1:- Key are vital in our day-to-day life. We are a working family. So most of the time, we are out of residence. It will be locked and1 set of keys is with us and 1 with the neighbors.

Answer 2:– Key are very important in our lives because we use them. We used to lock something important; as I said before, we also use keys for our housing lock. And we also use keys for many bikes.

Question 7:- Are there any symbolic meanings associated with key in your culture or society?

Answer 1:- Being from India, we have many rituals connected to key. But personally, I don’t have beliefs in such matters.

Answer 2:– No, there is no symbolic meaning in our culture that is associated with the key . We just use keys as an object to lock something.

Question 8:- Have you ever had to duplicate or make extra copies of your key?

Answer 1:– Once, when my mother lost the key  to our wardrobe, we did call the locksmith, firstly to unlock our wardrobe and then to repair it with another lock. It was an expensive business.

Answer 2:– As I said before, I lost my bike case when I was in seventh grade. So I made a duplicate key for my bike lock, and it cost me around ₹200 because my bike lock was very strong. That’s why I need to make a duplicate key.

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