Language Apart from English Speaking Cue Card with Answer IELTS EXAM

Language apart from English speaking cue card with answer

Sample 1:

The language that I would like to learn is definitely French, a widely spoken language 🌍. It is predominantly spoken in France, Canada, and several other countries around the world. I doubt it will be too challenging for me to learn about the grammar and vocabulary in French πŸ“š.

However, I think it would be easier because French has many loan words from English and uses an alphabetical system that’s quite familiar to Vietnamese speakers. I think it will be easier to learn French than other languages. I’d like to learn French because I want to study abroad, and I also love French music and art 🎡🎨.


I want to use French when going on holiday. Without knowing French, engaging with people and understanding the culture would be very difficult. Speaking French will undoubtedly make my holiday more accessible and more enjoyable πŸ–οΈ. I would enjoy the challenge and exposure to a new culture. It’s an exciting opportunity.

On top of that, I want to work in an international environment. To make the move, I would obviously need to be able to speak French, and now I have plans to start learning from now 🌐.

Also, Read IELTS Speaking Cue Cards 🎀: A Vital Component of the IELTS

Sample 2:

Well, the language I’ve always wanted to learn is Japanese because I believe there are multiple benefits of learning it πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅. First of all, I can enjoy watching Japanese dramas without referring to Vietnamese subtitles πŸ“Ί.

Moreover, I can travel to Japan independently and communicate with local residents πŸ—£οΈπŸŒΈ. And it even means more job opportunities for me. I can be an interpreter if my company is doing business with Japan πŸ’Ό.

As we all know, learning a new language is far from being an easy task. I’ve been fully aware of it since I began to learn English. To learn it well, I think it is very necessary to sign up for an elementary course in Japanese first 🏫.

I can hardly pronounce the basic 50 Japanese letters correctly without instruction from a qualified teacher πŸ—£οΈ. Besides, I need to spare some time daily to memorize vocabulary, basic sentence structures, and useful expressions frequently used in daily life.

I should also make good use of my time by listening to recordings of texts during my daily commute. Therefore, an MP3 player is a must-have for language learners 🎧.

It is said that language is like an ocean. We could only learn it drop by drop. Nobody short of perseverance can actually acquire a language. If I can balance my work and the study of Japanese and keep learning it for a period of time, let’s say 2 or 3 years, I’m sure I will be able to communicate with Japanese effortlessly πŸŒŠπŸ“–.

Sample 3:

The language I would like to learn, apart from English, is French. There are many reasons for this. First and foremost, I want to visit my uncle and aunt, who live in France.

They told me that if you wish to communicate with Francophones, knowing some French is essential. There, very few people know English πŸ—£οΈ. My uncle has also offered to sponsor my fees for higher education.

In that case, if I choose to study there, then learning French would be a necessity πŸŽ“. Another reason is that my parents are planning to move to Canada. So, my knowledge of French would come in very handy there 🍁.

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It might help me in getting a job. French is spoken in 30 countries and is the second most commonly taught language after English. Even in my country, if I know a foreign language, then I can get a good job in the tourism industry.

Everyone knows tourists from all parts of the world flock to India. Multilingual people stand a better chance in the job market πŸŒπŸ’Ό.

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