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Many Countries Have Compulsory Military Service for Men After

Many Countries Have Compulsory Military Service for Men After

Many countries have compulsory military service for men after they leave school. It would be a good idea for all countries to adopt this system for men and possibly women.  Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The policy of compulsory national service in a country is quite controversial. In some countries, it is a good idea and even an essential part of their society. However, In other countries, it would not work and is not even necessary.

Many countries have compulsory national service. Some countries that I know have it are France, Germany, Austria, and Korea. I didn‛t do it myself, but I have friends from these countries who did it, and they did not enjoy it. The reason for it, though, is not enjoyment. The reason is to have a population who are semi-trained for the protection of their country. In my country, we had national service from World War Two until 1960. At that time, my country needed a large army in order to meet its obligations at home and abroad. After 1960, however, the army became a wholly professional one. A lot of people still feel that national service should continue as it gives discipline and experience to many young people who need this kind of training. However, the population is such now in my country that national service would create an unnecessarily large army that would be a massive drain on public resources, which come in turn from ordinary citizens‛ taxes.

I only know one country that has national service for both men and women: Israel. This country definitely needs national service due to the terrible situation in which it finds itself. They have to have compulsory national service, though I am sure that they would scrap it if their security situation changed.

In conclusion, I feel that national service is a necessary evil in some countries as they feel they have to have a force of men trained to can protect their country. In my opinion, though, countries that can do with just a professional army do not need national service any more and by stopping it, they no longer have the extra cost of funding it. I therefore disagree with the statement that all countries should adopt national service.

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