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Many Towns and Cities Were Constructed in Previous Centuries

Many Towns and Cities Were Constructed in Previous Centuries

Many Towns and Cities Were Constructed in Previous Centuries that Were More Suitable and Livable for People than They Are Now. What Problems Will This Cause? What Can Be Done to Solve These Problems?

Over the last centuries, the world has built enormous and more favourable urban areas for human beings to live in than in the current century. This essay will point out the effect and solution. Because of the invasion of advanced Technology, towns and cities must be redesigned in order to overcome it.

When advanced Technology invaded the world, many things, like buildings and roads, appeared to be insufficient for this new world because they didn’t have suitable services that go with current times, for example, elevators and escalators. So people in those centuries used to walk up to the tenth floor through stairs. It was expected, but at this time, it is abnormal for people to walk through the stairs, so these buildings are not suitable and livable for the current generation.

The most important solution is to rebuild the towns and cities based on actual time. If we rebuild infrastructure around our urban area in a modern way, it will be easiest for people to use it. For example, in Tanzania, we had no elevators or escalators inside our airport, so if you had heavy luggage, you were supposed to Carry it in your hand; this was difficult for us; fortunately, the authorities started to redesign those airports in a modern way so people nowadays they don’t need to carry out their bags. They just put on escalators, and bags started to move. People are getting time to relax before flying to their destination city.

To conclude, rebuilding airports in the modern world is the best thing for people, as they don’t need to carry their luggage as they did in the past.

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