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More and More Parents Have Begun to Teach Their Children at Home Rather than Send Them to School

More and More Parents Have Begun to Teach Their Children at Home Rather than Send Them to School (2)

In some countries, more and more parents have begun to teach their children at home rather than send them to school. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample 1 More and More Parents Have Begun to Teach Their Children at Home Rather than Send Them to School

It has been observed that in some nations, an increasing number of parents have started to teach their young ones at home rather than admitting them to a school. I think this trend has more disadvantages than advantages, such as lacking acquiring social skills, distractions at home and monotony.

To begin with, firstly, if guardians teach their juveniles at home, they will be lacking in attaining certain social skills. To elaborate, they will have no other person to share their feelings or communicate with except their caretakers. Resultantly, they will become introverted and intolerant. These causes might be the reason for their misbehaviour with others. For instance, children who study at home with their parents find it a herculean task to mix with other students whenever they are admitted to a school at any stage. They behave with others as they exhibit at home and do not hesitate to disrespect others.

Secondly, distraction at home can divert their attention from studying to playing. For example, the unexpected arrival of guests and any small get-together at home. Therefore, young minds will not study and suspend their important educational activities for the sake of enjoying more. Thirdly, they get bored at home. They do not get any novelty in their study, which can be found in schools. To exemplify it, in school, different teachers are available to teach different subjects. Thus children keep their interest in studying more.

On the other hand, learning with parents is beneficial as well. Because learners feel free with their parents. In other words, they get a flexible timetable and do not hesitate to put questions if they do not understand them. There is no kind of fear in their mind regarding physical punishment for not completing their assignments. For example, children can step into some sessions and play. They do not have to wait for the bell to ring to take lunch. They can get up late or early. Moreover, it also reduces the burden of carrying a bag and wearing a uniform daily. They feel more relaxed at home by wearing casual clothes and footwear. Thus, they have a feeling of glee at home rather than enrolling in schools.

To conclude, thus this trend has more demerits than merits as the harmonious development of children to gain social skills is mandatory. Only then can they feel the sorrows of others, and will they provide the required help to them? Besides, concentration is a must to get good grades. At the same time, comfort and the fear of picking up a school bag are baseless fears that will only deter them from developing positivity, empathy etc.

Sample 2 More and More Parents Have Begun to Teach Their Children at Home Rather than Send Them to School

Nowadays, numerous teenagers enrol in their residences by guardians instead of going to Educational institutes in a number of places around the world. This essay will discuss the disadvantages, which are more than the advantages, with proper justification and relevant examples in the pending paragraph.

On the one hand, teaching learners at accommodation involves a number of merits. To commence with, in adulthood, a number of students become criminals because they do not know what is right or incorrect for them and fall into the incorrect company. For instance, an American researcher found that about 37% of prisoners are students between the age of 15 and 20. As a consequence, learning at home can avoid this type of activity. Furthermore, a number of countries do not have an abundance of institutes near them which could seem like a major safety problem, especially for girls.

On the other hand, the primary reason is that most parents are not qualified as much as tutors. However, at the academy, each teacher has a unique qualification for a specific subject to teach it. Moreover, in the contemporary era, most parents are working the whole day due to the high cost of living. As a result, they will not have enough time to teach the juveniles.

Another essential factor which ought to be considered is that studying at school can boost the abilities for interpersonal communication. As a school gathers many students of similar ages, children can enrol to communicate with each other and deal with many people. For example, in the research on New Zealand schools, it has been found that the students who enrol in school have more moral values than those who do not go to the academy. Therefore, kids may need to share and enrol to compromise while they are playing in school.

In conclusion, although learning at home would include a number of disadvantages of this policy, such as avoiding being criminal, teenager safety and unqualified parents, on the contrary, these disadvantages can be easily replaced by releasing more laws about this. From my point of view, I think that it would include a number of advantages.

Sample 3 More and More Parents Have Begun to Teach Their Children at Home Rather than Send Them to School

In recent years, there has been a growing trend in some countries for parents to teach their children at home rather than send them to school. While this approach has its benefits, it also has some drawbacks. In this essay, I will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling and argue that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

One of the main advantages of homeschooling is that parents can tailor the education to their child’s individual needs. Homeschooling allows parents to focus on their child’s strengths and weaknesses and to create a learning environment that is best suited to their child’s learning style. Homeschooled children can also benefit from one-on-one instruction and personalized attention from their parents. Another advantage of homeschooling is that parents can control the curriculum and ensure that their child receives a well-rounded education. Homeschooled children have the opportunity to explore topics that interest them and to delve deeper into subjects that they find challenging. Additionally, parents can incorporate their own values and beliefs into their child’s education, which can be especially important for families with religious or cultural traditions.

However, homeschooling also has several disadvantages. One of the biggest concerns is the lack of socialization opportunities. Homeschooled children may miss out on the social interactions and friendships that are a vital part of the school experience. Additionally, homeschooling can be isolating for both the child and the parent and can limit the child’s exposure to different perspectives and ideas. Another disadvantage of homeschooling is that parents may not have the same level of expertise and training as professional educators. While some parents are able to provide a high-quality education for their children, others may struggle to teach certain subjects or to keep up with the demands of the curriculum. Homeschooled children may also miss out on the resources and opportunities that are available in a school setting, such as extracurricular activities, field trips, and access to specialized equipment and facilities.

In conclusion, while homeschooling has some advantages, such as personalized instruction and control over the curriculum, the disadvantages of this trend outweigh the benefits. The lack of socialization opportunities, the potential for isolation, and the variable quality of education are all concerns that should be carefully considered by parents before choosing to homeschool their children. Ultimately, it is important to remember that education is not just about academics but also about social and emotional development and that schools play an important role in fostering these aspects of a child’s growth.

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