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People Are Never Satisfied with What They Have

People Are Never Satisfied with What They Have

People are never satisfied with what they have, they always want something more or something different. Do you agree with the statement?  Use specific reasons to support your answer.

People are never satisfied with what they have, they always want something more or something different”. I would have to agree with this statement entirely. Our life would not be so full and exciting without goals. In this essay, I will give different reasons why I agree with the above statement.

The dissatisfaction, needs and wants start at a very young age. A child is never satisfied with his toys, he always wants more new ones. Scientists say that if one gives a child a familiar toy, he will play it for a while and forget about it. In the case one gives a child a new toy, he will become more enthusiastic and play with it for two days.

Once we grow older our goals become less material. A son or a daughter wants to get the mother’s approval of the father’s pride. He or she may achieve this by getting high marks at school or by helping them. Once we grow old enough to take care of ourselves our goals change. First of all, we want to be happy and succeed, secondly, we want our parents to be proud of us.

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Some people think that rich people have everything they need and they have nothing to wish for. I think it is not true. The more money one has, the more one wants and can afford. Besides, there are some things no one can buy like love, friendship and health. So, a rich person may want to lose some weight and look like some guy on the cover of the magazine or he wants to go out with a girl who is not interested in him and his money.

In my opinion, life would not be worth living without goals. If people would be satisfied with all they had we probably would have to live in caves. So, it does not matter how many goals were achieved we will find new ones in order to accomplish them all over again.

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