Shoes & Forget things IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Shoes & Forget things IELTS Speaking part 1 Questions With Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Shoes & Forget things IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer.

Question 1:- How often do you buy shoes?

Answer – Well, I don’t buy shoes regularly. I buy only when I need to purchase it, like wearing it at any wedding or birthday party.

Question 2:- Have you ever bought shoes online?

Answer – No, I have never bought shoes online because I prefer to purchase by visiting local shops or malls. The reason being that I can check it at a time either it fits me or not. When things are displayed online, then there are higher chances of getting duplicate things.

Question 3:- Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?

Answer – Yes, I have a cousin, a fashion freak, and he always loves to purchase different kinds of shoes for wearing on different occasions. He has a lot of pairs of shoes like formal and usual.


Question 4:- What’s your favourite type of shoes?

Answer – I love to wear high heels on occasions, but I love to wear flat shoes in my normal routine because it makes me more comfortable to move from one place to another, and I don’t feel tired while wearing this footwear.

Question 5:- What kinds of things do you have to bring when you go out?

Answer: I purchase many things whenever I go outside, like purchasing grocery items and medicines and other rudimentary requirements. So I usually purchase those things that are very beneficial for me in my routine, instead of spending too much money on collecting many things.

Question 6:- Did you ever forget to bring something?

Answer – Yes, sometimes I forgot to bring a newspaper. Like earlier times, hawkers used to throw it at my home, but as a go for a morning walk, I consider purchasing it on my own. It would be a good exercise if I purchase on my own, but I used to forget due to haste.

Question 7:- How do you remind yourself?

Answer – I have a small diary which I usually keep in my purse. I write several things to bring it in, and it is always with me in my wallet because I have a habit of taking it with me always. I make myself remind by looking at it.

Question 8:- Do you carry different things in the morning and the evening?

Answer – Yes, I carry different things in the morning as well as in the evening. In the morning, whenever I go shopping, I carry my wallet, my driving license, and an umbrella. But in the evening time, I don’t carry anything.

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