Solving Environmental Problems Should Be the Responsibility of An International Organization

Solving environmental problems should be the responsibility of an international organization rather than each national government. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample 1 Solving Environmental Problems Should Be the Responsibility of An International Organization

It is often argued that sorting out ecological issues should be the responsibility of an international administration, while others believe that individual countries’ governments should solve environmental problems. In my opinion, solving environmental problems should be the responsibility of an International organization rather than each national government because environmental issues are global concerns that affect the entire planet. Therefore their solutions require global cooperation.

To begin with, the environment is a global problem that requires a global response. To be more precise, a lot of ecological issues are available worldwide, such as climate change, global warming, carbon dioxide emissions and air pollution. Moreover, individual national governments can try their best to solve issues, but their efforts may not have a noticeable impact on the environment without the support of other nations. Therefore, an international organization is trying to make rules which are followed by all nations and can make help to reduce the rate of environmental issues worldwide. Furthermore, if an international organization passes away an agreement, then every individual nation must follow the acts and take them seriously without arguing anything. For instance, recently, new rules were made by the United Nations Environment Programme[UNEP] for reducing greenhouse gases, which are followed by all nations in the world because it is an International action.

In contrast, each individual nation better knows about their nation’s own climate conditions. To be more specific, every country’s different environmental problems, which can easily understand by the government, and there are particular solutions for various problems. However, international organizations solve common global issues, but they do not involving in any particular nation’s issues because there are a lot of nations, and all have different environmental problems. For example, in India, a wide range of mountains contain in northern areas, so there are various issues such as melting and snow falling, while in southern India has a lot of forests, so there are various problems like over rainfall and storm. Hence, every nation has different environmental problems, and they know better solutions than an international organization.

In conclusion, although every individual nation is well introduced to various types of problems and they know solutions in a better way. In my opinion, international organizations are likely more responsible for solving some common global issues, such as global warming and air pollution, because cooperation must be required to solve environmental issues.

Sample 2 Solving Environmental Problems Should Be the Responsibility of An International Organization

Environmental problems are a major concern for the whole world, and addressing these problems requires a concerted effort from all nations. In my opinion, solving environmental problems should be the responsibility of both international organizations and national governments, as both have a role to play in creating a sustainable future for all.

International organizations, such as the United Nations and its specialized agencies, are important players in addressing global environmental issues. These organizations can provide a platform for international cooperation and coordination on environmental issues, such as climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. They can also facilitate sharing of knowledge, resources, and best practices among countries to achieve common environmental goals.

At the same time, national governments also have a crucial role to play in addressing environmental problems. National governments are responsible for implementing policies and regulations that can protect the environment within their own countries. They can also allocate funding for environmental protection measures, enforce environmental laws, and work with their citizens to promote sustainable practices.

In addition, national governments have more direct responsibility for the well-being of their citizens and the environment within their own borders. They are better positioned to understand the unique environmental challenges facing their own countries and communities and tailor their responses accordingly.

Therefore, while international organizations can provide important support and coordination in addressing global environmental problems, it is ultimately up to national governments to take action within their own countries. This does not mean that international cooperation is not important. In fact, international cooperation is essential in addressing environmental problems that cross national borders, such as air and water pollution and climate change.

In conclusion, solving environmental problems requires a joint effort from both international organizations and national governments. It is essential that both work together to create a sustainable future for all. While international cooperation is important, national governments have a direct responsibility to protect their citizens and their environment and must take action accordingly.
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