Some People Believe that Schoolchildren Should Not Be Given Homework by Their Teachers

Some people believe that schoolchildren should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas others argue that homework plays an essential role in children’s education. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, in most international schools, the education system has been changed to theoretical and practical parts. The school management will give homework for school children to finish the task at home so that the child develops knowledge in a particular subject by revising at home, which teachers have explained in school.

Homework plays a significant role in every child’s life. It mainly gets revised by the student, and he can develop his intelligence by doing the particular task at home. The students can do research independently on their own, and this helps the thinking capability of the child. The teacher can analyse to what extent the student can understand the concept, and if they have any doubts, they can clarify.

On the other hand, if the school management does not give any homework, the students may forget the concept that their lecturer in school has explained, and they cannot do well in their final assessments and will fail. This affects the student physically and mentally, and he cannot concentrate on further studies.

Assignments should be given to the ward to complete in the stipulated time, and marks must be allowed to complete the task. This will help the child finish the given task in that particular time and submit it to the teacher for evaluation to get excellent marks and increase his overall academic percentage. This develops his capability of thinking logically and doing tasks independently, improving his knowledge. Grasping power is increased, and the child will be active in his school’s various activities and could attain good grades in his academics.

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