Something You Bought That Was Difficult to Use for the First Time?

Something You Bought That Was Difficult to Use for the First Time?

What is it?

When you bought it?

What does it do?


Explain how difficult was it to be used?


Before purchasing anything, firstly, I gather information about things such as how to use it or operate it because, in this way, I spend money wisely on items. However, I would like to talk about a thing which I bought that was difficult to use for the first time that was an apple laptop.

When :

when I was in last year if at that time, I did some projects related to my study. so I needed to purchase a new laptop as I had no other option. Apart from this, I had no time to collect information about it, like how to operate it.


I went to a big mall, and I visited an electrical coat where all electrical things available, and I purchased an Apple laptop.

Why :

There are many reasons behind it why I felt challenging to use it. I used this for the first time, so I did not know about it. In addition to it, I did not know about the function of the laptop. Moreover, I suffered from making apple id. I had no idea how to download the software which I required.


I felt very worried because it was difficult for me to use for the first time then, I took help from my brother who was very expert in technological products. Overall, that was a thing that created difficulty for me to use for the first time.

Something You Bought That Was Difficult to Use for the First Time?

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1 thought on “Something You Bought That Was Difficult to Use for the First Time?”

  1. describe on time when the weather broke your plans
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