a-tech high school

Describe a science subject that you learned in high school ielts exam

Describe a science subject that you learned in high school. You should say: what subject it was who taught you this subject what you learned from it and explain how this subject helped you in your life. Intro  Well, science was one of my favorite subjects in school because it was really interesting and knowledgeable. […]

Describe a science subject that you learned in high school ielts exam Read More »

Compare High School Learning and College University Learning

Compare High School Learning and College University Learning

Compare high school learning and college university learning speaking cue card with answer Sample Answer: Compare High School Learning and College University Learning High school is required and less costly, whereas college is voluntary and generally costly 💸. In high school, teachers and parents usually structure your time, but in college, you must learn to manage

Compare High School Learning and College University Learning Read More »

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