Text Messaging Part 1 Questions With Answer: IELTS Speaking Test. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.
Text Messaging Part 1 Questions With Answer: IELTS Speaking Test
Question 1:- Do you like texting?
Answer 1:- Yes, I like texting. I mostly send texts in the scarcity of time and sometimes when it is a confidential matter.
Answer 2:- yes, I love texting a lot because it helps me to keep in touch with my old friends.
Question 2:- How often do you write texts?
Answer 1:- Whenever I am busy and have no other alternative to pass my time then, I send a text message to my loved ones with pictures.
Answer 2:- I often use text to communicate with my friends and relatives. I think most of the days, I use text messages.
Question 3:- Why do you send texts?
Answer 1:- I send texts because it’s a good way of communicating with loved ones. People sometimes can’t express their feelings to others by talking to them over the phone, so sending a text message can express their true feelings to others.
Answer 2:- In many cases, text messages are more convenient; for example, if a person does not have time to call, then we can use text messages to inform him when he is free, he can read and understand the information
Question 4:- Do you use any apps to write texts?
Answer 1:- Yes, I use WhatsApp to send text messages. It is safe and secure. I can send pictures with sound via this app to my near and dear ones.
Answer 2:- yes, many applications are available for writing a text. I use messages and a pre-installed app for texting my friends and family.
Question 5:- Do you text someone if they don’t answer your phone call?
Answer 1:- Yes, I send a text message. If someone might not be responding, then I understand that the other person might be busy and he might be in a meeting or doing something important. So sending text message don’t irritate him or her.
Answer 2:- yes, I text a person who does not answer my call. Because when they are free, they should call me back or reply to my message.
Question 6:- Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?
Answer 1:- Yes, I prefer to send or receive messages but not the messages of advertisements because these kinds of messages don’t let any space in my message box to store other relevant information. In this way, I can stay in contact with my old buddies.
Answer 2:- I prefer both sending and receiving messages. Because in proper communication, there should be a receiver as well as a sender. It means both two parties are essential for good communication.
Question 7:- Do you always reply to text messages?
Answer 1:- Yes, I am very honest in my dealings with others. I understand that if someone has sent a message, then he might be waiting for a reply. It is another issue if I am busy; otherwise, I immediately send a reply to the person for the sake of valuable relationships.
Answer 2:- Mostly, I try to reply to all messages. However, sometimes I can’t reply simultaneously because of a lack of free time or anything else. But when I am free, I will surely reply or call them.
Question 8:- In what situations is making a call better than writing a text message?
Answer 1:- Well, making a call is very important, particularly when a person is very depressed and feeling alone because at that time person is unable to express his or her true feelings in a text because he or needs condolence and immediate feedback from others and sometimes Happiness also has the same condition. If a person achieves his goal, then his or her true feelings can’t be expressed in words.
Answer 2:- In certain situations, the call is not a proper way to communicate e in any situation, we have to be silent .for example, if we are in a temple or church, we have to be silent; therefore, in this situation text messages are better than the calling.
Question 9:- Is texting better than calling people?
Answer 1:- Actually, I don’t think so because I already say that in certain cases, text messages are better than calling. However, I believe that in good communication, calling is better because the receiver can understand everything clearly and convey both parties’ feelings.
Question 10:- Have you ever received a confusing text message?
Answer 1:- Yes, once I received it, it was sent to me by my niece, who is two years old. She was playing on the mobile phone, and she pressed many keys, and it was unable to understand.
Answer 2:- Yes, many times, I received confusing messages. Sometimes I can’t understand some word’s meaning, and sometimes, I can’t realize the meaning of the sentences.
Question 11:- Do you receive texts with ads?
Answer 1:- Yes, sometimes I receive a text with advertisements, and these are regarding language classes, share market and immigration.
Answer 2:- Yes, of course, I got several ads in my textbox. It is related to a product or education institute. I don’t like these types of messages; actually, they irritate me.
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