The charts show the distribution of money spent on music in three different years in Northern Ireland.
The pie chart delineates the consumption of money on instruments or melodies by the visuals in several three years in Northern Ireland.
Overall, it is immediately apparent from the chart that the maximum money spent by the user on CD instruments for music was in 2005 and 2008. at the same time, digital downloads were quite popular for music in 2011.
In detail, the handsome amount of money used on CD instruments began at 61% in 2005, and this amount declined by 20% after three years. Finally, only 26% of people used the compact disk for music in 2011. moreover, concerts were the second most popular except for music, around 31% of people utilize their money on live shows. Unfortunately, this ratio plummeted by 8% in 2008. surprisingly the live music popularity spiked and reached 28% final year.
Furthermore, rather a mode of sources had any significant value in three years between 2005 to 2008 only 2% of people spent their money for music on other sources after that this amount inclined by 1% in 2011. following this, the trend of digital downloads was low in 2005, beginning at 6% in Northern Ireland, the next 25% of people using the digital download formalities in 2008. after three years, 43% of people downloaded music from the internet.
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