The Graph Below Shows the Average Monthly Use of Health Clubs: AC Writing Task 1

The graph below shows the average monthly use of health clubs in Miami and Florida by all full-time members in 2017. The pie charts show the age profile of male and female members of this health club. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The graph below shows the average monthly use of health clubs in Miami and Florida by all full-time members in 2017

Sample 1 The Graph Below Shows the Average Monthly Use of Health Clubs

The infographic representation in the form of the first bar graph illustrates the monthly usage of the health club in two cities in 2017, and the second pie chart topics the age of men and women members of the health club.

Overall, it can be seen that the highest usage of the health club in June was in the male category, while the number of people was approximately the same from June to August month in both categories in 2017. In the female category, health club usage was lowest in December.


First of all, the highest usage of the health club in the male category was in June, with around 850 males. However, starting of the two months, male and female members were approximately stable, and that were 550 and 570, 500 and 500 respectively. Air scrap shows both categories were inclined till the month of June then after rapidly declined and December month show 600 man and 500 women used health club.

On the other hand, the age group of 21-45 people were the highest group in male. (55%). Notably, a quarter (25%) of the male was in the age group of 65 and above. However, in females, the 21-45 age doubled(50%) in 2017.

Sample 2 The Graph Below Shows the Average Monthly Use of Health Clubs

The bar graph depicts the average monthly use of health in Miami and Florida in the year 2017, and the pie chart illustrates the age of different sex members of the club.

Overall, the bar graph shows that the number of members is highest in the month of June and in Feb it is the least one. The pie diagram shows that 21-45 is the maximum in both age groups.

It is apparent that the bar graph shows fluctuation. In the month of February, it is the least, and in the month of June, it is the highest. The number of females is less than the male in the graph. For the female number, it starts from 500 and reaches an all-time high in the month of AugustAugust; after that, it starts to fall down. For the male, it started from approx 600 and reached a peak of 780 in June after that decline.

Moving to the pie diagram, the age group of 21-45 is 55%of male members and 50% for female members, which is highest than other ones. the age group 65+ is at 25% for the male and 31% for the female, and other is at 20% for male and 19% for female which is least one.

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