The Graph Compares the Percentage of International and The Percentage of Uk Students Gaining Second Class Degrees or Better at A Major Uk University in 2009

The graph compares the percentage of international and the percentage of UK students gaining second class degrees or better at a major UK University in 2009. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The graph compares the percentage of international and the percentage of UK students gaining second class degrees or better at a major UK University in 2009

Sample Answer The Graph Compares the Percentage of International and The Percentage of Uk Students Gaining Second Class Degrees or Better at A Major Uk University in 2009

The graph describes the ratio of second class degree holders in a known university in 2009 between the UK and international scholars in eight fields, namely Nursing, Electrical engineering, Information technology, English literature, Art history, Accountancy, International law and sociology. Overall, it could be seen that international students excelled more in information technology, whereas in sociology, the UK students had the highest percentage and lowest between the two in international law.

On the one hand, students from the United Kingdom had the highest number of second class degree holders in art history and sociology with 80% each, and nursing was about 78%, three-quarters of the students excelled in English literature, 70% in international law. However, fields like electrical engineering, accountancy and information technology had 60%,60% and58% respectively.


On the other hand, International students had higher numbers than their counterparts in information technology (84%) and electrical engineering (80%). They had the same 78% as UK students in nursing. Art history (70%), sociology and English literature are both had 68%; moreover, accountancy and international law had the lowest Second class holder with 60% and 48%, respectively.

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