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The Line Graph Shows the Cost of Watching Films: AC Writing

The Line Graph Shows the Cost of Watching Films AC Writing

The line graph shows the cost of watching films. The pie charts show the change in the percentage of market share represented by the three forms.

Sample 1: The Line Graph Shows the Cost of Watching Films: AC Writing

Looking from an overall perspective, it can be seen that the cost of cinema tickets was on the top instead of DVDs and other downloads of films.

At first glance, 30% of individuals went to that to watch the movie, and the ticket price was nearly 10 pounds, and the cost of a DVD was only 6 Pounds as well as 8 Pounds for legally downloaded movies. In the year 2007, 8 Pounds were the cost of legal download movies, and approximately 12 pounds were the price of cinema tickets. In 2009 and 2011, the cost of the tickets, DVDs, and legal downloads of the films were 11, 8, and 6 Pounds for people, respectively.

Moving ahead to 2005,6, % of people watched movies online, and 64 percent individuals preferred to watch films with the help of DVDs. In 2011, 56% of people watched movies with the help of DVDs, .25% of people gave preference to watching movies online, and 18% of individuals preferred to watch movies in a cinema hall in 2011.

Sample 2: The Line Graph Shows the Cost of Watching Films: AC Writing

The given line graph depicts the information about the cost of watching a film. Additionally, pie charts show the change that occurs in the percentage of market shares represented by three different forms. The data is calibrated in percentage.

Overall, a cursory glance is enough to elucidate that the cost of watching a film in cinema halls has increased in the given period, whereas other forms like DVD and Legal downloads have minor growth in their costs. Despite this, the line chart renting a DVD has the maximum share price both in the year 2005 and year 2011.

To commence with, in 2005, the cost of purchasing a DVD was 6 dollars, which then increased to 8 dollars in the year 2011. The price of legally downloading a movie was 8 dollars in the year 2005, which suddenly fell nearly two dollars in the next two years and then gradually increased in the next four years and reached its peak, which was 9 dollars in 2011.

Apart from these two forms, the trend in the cost of watching a movie in the cinema hall is in an upward direction, starting from 9 dollars in the year 2005 and reaching 14 dollars in the year 2011. On the other hand, pie charts showing the share prices of these three forms depict that the share of renting a DVD is somewhat similar and reduced to just 9 percent. Moreover, watching online movies has increased market share in the entire period, starting from 6 to 26 percentile. The final market share of cinema left nearly half in 2011 from its initial share price in the year 2005.

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