The Map Below Describes Changes to a Park in 1980 and Now: Academic Writing Task 1

The map below describes changes to a park in 1980 and now. summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The map below describes changes to a park in 1980 and now.

The map reflects the modification in a park from 1980 to the present. Overall, it is immediately apparent from the map that there are massive changes observed in the park as compared to the Past map. Therefore, gates were removed from the present map and built a four-way entrance for the accessibility of these amenities of the park.

In detail, in 1980, there were four categorisations available in the park. Later, in the right-hand corner, it was a section of trees and got extended with the picnic spot, thus adding chairs and desks along with the barbeque and the location of a tree similar to 1980. Moreover, there were two portions of flowers located in opposite directions, south-west and south-east in 1980, but South-East section was largest as compared to Southwest.


Moreover, in the bottom right corner, the flowers wing was replaced with the playground in the present map and bottom left corner small flowers area was converted into thick bushes. It is interesting to note that, on the west side of the park, the pond and bench are quite similar to 1980, and one more bench was put in with the previous ones. At the same time, the gates were diminished in present maps and give the four directional entrances of the park.

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