The Process Shows Diamonds Moving From the Mine to the Retailer

The Process shows diamonds moving from the mine to the retailer. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The Process Shows Diamonds Moving From the Mine to the Retailer

Sample Answer of The Process Shows Diamonds Moving From the Mine to the Retailer

The procedure depicts the process from diamond unearth to sent to the shopkeeper.

Initially, the Extracted rough diamond is sent for storage from where it will be separated according to grade, which is low and high. After that, a low-grade diamond sent to the industrial user to give them proper size and shape will be tested for hardness. Finally, after deciding the price of a low-grade diamond, it will send to the businessperson.


On the other hand, High-grade diamond sent to cosmetic users decide the price and then it will be analysed by computer for which is the best way to cut the diamond. After that, some of the diamond cut by hands and some diamonds cut by machine. Then both diamonds sent for polish and sent for giving them a rating; then it will again be sent for polishing and repeat same step to give them a rating and finally sent to the merchant.

Overall, the whole process has various steps, from mining to cutting and pricing to giving to the distributor. Every step is mandatory for making a perfect diamond.

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