The Tables Below Give Information About Sales of Fairtrade-Labelled Coffee and Bananas

The Tables Below Give Information About Sales of Fairtrade-Labelled Coffee and Bananas in 1999 And 2004 in Five European Countries. Summarise the Information by Selecting and Reporting the Main Features and Making Comparisons Where Relevant.

The Tables Below Give Information About Sales of Fairtrade-Labelled Coffee and Bananas in 1999 And 2004 in Five European Countries.

The information regarding the turnover of Fairtrade-labelled Coffee and Bananas in 1999 and 2004 in various European nations is depicted by rendered table chart. The data has been calibrated in a million euros.

Overall, it can be vividly manifested that the maximum proportion of income generated from the sale of Coffee was in the United Kingdom in the final year, whilst the least percentile of the sale of bananas was in Denmark in the initial year.


Looking at the table chart, the income from the sale of Coffee in the United Kingdom was 1.5 million euros and 20 million euros in 1999 and 2004 correspondingly. The sales of Coffee in Switzerland in 2004 was double in 1999. In contrast, whereas, the income produced from Coffee in Belgium was 1 million euros as against 1.7 million euros in 2004. Nevertheless, the sale of Coffee in Sweden was 1 million euros which declined to 0.8 million euros in 1999.

Probing ahead, the sales of Bananas top the list in the United Kingdom while in Switzerland, turnover was 1 million euros which increased in 2004, accounting for 5.5 million euros. Nonetheless, the sale of Bananas in Denmark was 0.6 million euros which escalated to 4 last year. There was a negligible difference between the income produced from sales of bananas in Belgium and Sweden.

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