Today our communications, medicine and transport systems all depend on computer technology. Our reliance on computer technology has created a dangerous situation.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
It is true that all of the major systems around the world, whether they are to do with government, welfare or education, are based and reliant on computers. I do not, however, believe that this has created excessive risks.
Before the advent of computers, human society survived very well. It is true that if all computers crashed, this would cause huge problems but it would only mean that we would go back to the situation that we had before. People would suffer, maybe I would too, but the world would not end. Reliance on certain systems is the price that we pay for progress.
The very idea that all computers could crash is ludicrous anyway. All places which deal in life and death situations have back up generators that can provide power in the event of a power cut. Power cuts are only temporary and if something happened that completely destroyed the electrical systems of a country, such as nuclear war, people would have far more important things to worry about. Computers are now reliable and we have armies of technicians who can repair or replace faulty systems. Things can and will go wrong but this would happen whether we were reliant on computer systems or on humans. The difference is that computers willmake fewer mistakes from day to day!
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In conclusion I would therefore say that I disagree with the idea that our reliance on computer technology has created a dangerous situation. I believe our lives are better and safer because of this reliance.