Write a Letter to Your Friend About Missing the Date with Him

Write a letter to your friend about missing the date with him on a day because you have planned. Tell him how you tried to contact him, but it did not work out either. In your letter, you should tell:

  • What the reason is
  • How you tried to contact him
  • Give an alternative plan to meet him sometime.

Dear Guri,

How is your life going on? It has almost been a month since we talked with each other. Unfortunately, when we decided to meet in a cafe, I could not make it. Believe me, and I left no stone unturned. However, I could not get success in meeting you.

Let me tell you my inability to catch up with you at our destined place. It had been raining since morning. I was getting ready, and abruptly, I saw my mother was asking for help as she fell off the stairs. I immediately rushed to the hospital for her treatment.


Furthermore, I made many calls to you; but I did not get an answer. Even though I attempted to inform you by sending a voice message on your landline phone, it was stored in the draft by mistake, and you thought it was gros negligence on my part. In addition, I made the manager of that Cafe inform you, albeit you’d gone.

Will you do a favour for me by revisiting that place this coming Sunday? My mother will recover completely, so it would be easy for me to join you. You know that being the only male person at home, I have alot of responsibilities. So, I couldn’t leave my family in the lurch. I hope you will understand my condition. If you feel comfortable, why do you not join me on the same day at my home? We’d have plenty of time to spend with each other.

I am eagerly waiting for you.

Yours Loving,

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