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You Have Recently Been to Stay with An Old Friend for A Few Days IELTS EXAM

You Have Recently Been to Stay with An Old Friend for A Few Days IELTS EXAM

You have recently been to stay with an old friend for a few days. You hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

Sample 1: You Have Recently Been to Stay with An Old Friend for A Few Days

Dear Michael,

I’m writing to thank you for a really enjoyable visit. It was good to see you after so long and to be able to spend some time with you, talking about old school friends and teachers.

Now that I’m back home, I keep thinking about how good it was to be somewhere quiet and peaceful. I particularly enjoyed our trip to the wildlife sanctuary and appreciated the opportunity to see so many rare birds and animals. It’s made me think that I should try and do more to protect them, so I’m having a look on the internet to see what sort of organisations there are.

Perhaps next time we get together you could come and visit me. There are plenty of places we can go and my brother would like to see you. Let me know when you might be free to come here and we can fix something up.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Sample 2: You Have Recently Been to Stay with An Old Friend for A Few Days

Dear Ramandeep,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed our recent visit! It was wonderful to catch up after such a long time. To be honest, I was a bit nervous at first – it felt like ages since we’d talked – but within minutes, it was just like old times.

One of the highlights of my stay was all those card games we played. Remember that round when you cleaned me out? I still can’t believe my luck! We need to make that a regular thing.

Anyway, I’d love for you to come and visit me soon. We could explore the city, go see that new nature exhibit that’s opened up, and of course, get our card game revenge! Let me know when you’re free, and we’ll plan something.

Looking forward to seeing you again!

Best wishes,

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