Your Friend Is Thinking About Learning to Drive and Would Like

Your friend is thinking about learning to drive and would like some advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

  • Say why a driving license is advantageous.
  • Recommend a driving school.
  • Give any extra guidance/tips.

Dear Judy.

As you said in your last letter, I am happy to hear that you are interested in learning to drive.

Nowadays, it is very important to have a driving license because, if you know to drive, you don’t need to wait for anyone to travel. I know you are very conscious about your traveling. Owing to this fact that you are depending on someone for your journeys. Moreover, you can use this license as ID proof in the future. The decision to learn to drive is a superb thought, and you may feel confident when you start learning to drive.


I have a suggestion about the driving school, and its name is “David Driving School.” They are pioneers in driving. No need to think about another driving school. They will guide you in a positive way. They have different batches, and you can choose a convenient time. Moreover, their teaching method is excellent.

I am very excited! If you learn to drive, we will go on a long trip together for our next trip and one more thing, after learning to drive you should drive your car at least once time in a day otherwise you will lose your confidence.

I hope you will become a good driver.

Yours truly,

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