Describe a rule you did not like in school.
You should say:
what it was
how others thought about this rule
have you ever violated this rule
and explain why you did not like this rule.
School days were the greatest days of my life. But there were some rules that I could not like in those days. Getting punishment for not bringing homework was one of them. This is a great topic and I would love to talk about it. The question reminds me of my childhood.
The school had a rule that if any student fails to bring the homework, he or she would be punished. Without considering the background, the teachers and the school authority imposed the rule on the students. We had no other ways left. They thought that the students want to bunk the assignments and thus they created the provision of punishment. For this provision, innocent students also had to suffer a lot.
The majority of the student were against the rule but had no way to express their opinion. I admit that there are some students who are wicked by nature and they must be punished. But forgetting to bring a homework for complying with the other courses or some other reasons and getting punished was not wanted at all. I also had fallen victim of the punishment several times only for forgetting to bring the homework. In fact, I had completed them but forgot to take them with me through the school bag. This was a usual scenario for a majority of the students. So, the provision was undesired to all.
To be honest, I tried to violate the rule but each time I failed. Actually, the teachers wanted us to be perfect human being in all terms. So, they were too careful about the homework issues. The more we showed excuses, the level of punishment increased. In fact, they did not want to believe us. One day, to avoid punishment, I told my teacher that I forgot to bring the homework and if I am allowed, I could bring that within a short time. Despite bringing the homework within next 15 minutes (my residence was adjacent to the school), I was punished.
I think this was something extreme for the young students like us. The teachers did not punish us with corporal punishment. Rather, they asked us to complete the homework standing inside the classroom. Actually, it was really annoying to compete for the homework that I did before at home. At the same time, it was impossible to focus on the class and the homework together. As a result, the students who were punished had to sacrifice the lessons of the class. To make the issue clearer, it was waste of time for the students. Still, I feel perplexed that how that type of punishment was beneficial for a student. For all the reasons, I did not like that rule in my school
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a rule you did not like in school
a rule you did not like in school a rule you did not like in school a rule you did not like in school a rule you did not like in school a rule you did not like in school a rule you did not like in school
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