Better Driver Education for Better Driving Habits Is More Effective than Heavier Punishments for Driving Offences. To What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree?
Providing quality education for drivers is an essential part of promoting good driving behaviour compared to painful punishment for poor driving skills. This essay partially agrees with the statement. By giving drivers better education, they become aware of the consequences of bad driving habits; however, painful punishment also helps in making them fear breaking the law. 🚗📚⚖️
On the one hand, teaching drivers about road safety measures, signs, regulations, and the consequences of speeding would help in creating qualified drivers. In other words, informing them about the consequences of bad driving habits, like speeding, can cost them their lives. For example, driving at high speeds can cause car accidents, which may result in death or permanent disability (e.g., losing limbs). This method is effective in Tanzania, where many driving institutions provide statistics about how many accidents occur annually and the resulting casualties. 🚙💥💔
On the other hand, heavier punishment also plays an important role in reducing bad driving behaviours. Drivers know the consequences of breaking road traffic laws. For instance, the law states that if a driver is caught speeding, they will face 3 years behind bars, along with a heavy fine. This punishment makes drivers aware of their limits and encourages them to follow road safety regulations, as they fear going to jail. Three years is a long time to be in prison, and it can disrupt personal and business affairs. In China, for example, violating traffic laws results in a reduction of license working days, which affects the driver’s career. Therefore, the more laws you break, the sooner you retire from driving. 🚔⚖️
To conclude, both quality education for drivers and a painful punishment for lawbreakers are essential parts of combating bad driving behaviour. 👨🏫💥
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