Describe a Goal that You Hope to Achieve in The Future Cue Card

Describe a Goal that You Hope to Achieve in The Future Cue Card

Describe a Goal that You Hope to Achieve in The Future or Describe Your Goal in Life What Is the Goal? When did You First Begin to Have This Goal? How You Would Achieve the First Step of Your Goal? How Easy or Difficult Do You Think It Will Be to Reach This Goal? Sample […]

Describe a Goal that You Hope to Achieve in The Future Cue Card Read More »

Describe Something You Bought that Was Difficult to Use at First Cue Card

Describe Something You Bought that Was Difficult to Use at First Cue Card

Describe Something You Bought That Was Difficult to Use at First. You Should Say: What It Was Why Did You Buy It How You Use It And Explain Why It Was Difficult to Use at First. Sample 1: Describe Something You Bought that Was Difficult to Use at First Cue Card Well, buying a new

Describe Something You Bought that Was Difficult to Use at First Cue Card Read More »

Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned from A Foreign Culture: Speaking

Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned from A Foreign Culture Speaking

Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned from A Foreign Culture. You Should Say: What Is It? How Did You Learn It? Why Did You Learn It? And Explain How You Think It Will Help Others. Sample: Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned from A Foreign Culture: Speaking An exciting thing that I learned

Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned from A Foreign Culture: Speaking Read More »

Describe an Old Object that Your Family Has Kept for A Long Time

Describe an Old Object that Your Family Has Kept for A Long Time (1)

Describe an Old Object that Your Family Has Kept for A Long Time. You Should Say:- What Is the Object? Where Did Your Family Get It From? How Long Has It Been in Your Family? Sample: Describe an Old Object that Your Family Has Kept for A Long Time In the family, we don’t have

Describe an Old Object that Your Family Has Kept for A Long Time Read More »

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