Should creative artists be given freedom in their work like pictures, novels, films or the government should certain restrictions on their work? give your views.

Should creative artists be given freedom in their work like pictures, novels, films or the government should certain restrictions on their work? give your views.


Undoubtedly, some persons are gifted with specific skills in different fields of society. they get name and fame by giving extraordinary creations to the society. different people have well versed with unique skills whether it is writing, painting or cinematography. there should be some limitations to their work but to a limited extent. I disagree with it that the authorities should put restrictions on their work. Should creative artists be given freedom in their work like pictures, novels

Firstly, they should have the freedom to do their work with concentration and dedication because the constitution has given the right to express feelings. they reflect their hidden talent through these creations and it will not only gives them popularity but enhance the economy of the country also. they become the center of attraction by showing their capabilities and tourists will be attracted toward the nation to have a glimpse of their work. Should creative artists be given freedom in their work like pictures, novels

Furthermore, if the government will put restrictions on their creations then they will not be able to do their work in a proper way. famous artist Sobha Singh who is the source of everybody’s attraction came out with bright colors in the field of painting and people even from the foreign country comes to see his paintings. moreover, people in this modern era are mature enough to see the positive or negative side of the work. that’s why the government should let the artists do their business without any scrutiny because they are the pride of the nation and everyone should be proud of them. Should creative artists be given freedom in their work like pictures, novels 

To cap it all, constraints put the burden on their occupation and art is something that has no boundaries. artists should have the right to explore themselves freely because they become role models for the new generation. Should creative artists be given freedom in their work like pictures, novels


Should creative artists be given freedom in their work like pictures, novels


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