Describe a Difficult Decision that You Once Made: Cue card

Describe a difficult decision that you once made.

  • What the decision was,
  • How you made your decision,
  • What the result of the decision was,
  • Why was it difficult to make

SAMPLE ANSWER 1:-Describe a Difficult Decision that You Once Made

One difficult decision I had to make was whether to accept a job offer in a different city or stay in my current job and location. It was a significant decision as it involved uprooting my life and potentially starting fresh in a new environment. To make my decision, I carefully considered several factors.

Firstly, I evaluated the new job’s career prospects and growth opportunities. I researched the company, its culture, and potential advancements in the field, which helped me assess whether it aligned with my long-term goals.

Secondly, I weighed the impact on my personal life. I reflected on the relationships I had built, the support system I had in my current city, and the potential challenges of establishing a new social network in an unfamiliar city.

I believed that the new job offered a better chance for career growth and personal development, outweighing the challenges of starting afresh. It was an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone, expand my professional network, and experience a new city and culture.

Although it was initially challenging to adjust to the new environment, I was able to build a new network of friends and create a fulfilling life in the new city. The decision was difficult to make because it involved leaving behind familiarity and taking a leap into the unknown.

The fear of leaving my comfort zone and the uncertainty of how things would turn out made it emotionally challenging. Additionally, I had to consider the potential risks and setbacks that could arise from the decision.

However, I realized that personal and professional growth often comes from taking calculated risks, and I was willing to embrace the challenges that came with it.


Question 1:- What decisions do people generally make in their daily life?

Answer 1:-In their daily lives, people make various decisions ranging from simple and mundane to more complex and impactful. Some common decisions individuals make on a daily basis include what to wear, what to eat, how to prioritize their tasks, and how to manage their time effectively. They may also make decisions related to their personal well-being, such as exercise routines, self-care practices, and lifestyle choices. Furthermore, people often make decisions related to their relationships, including whom to spend time with, how to resolve conflicts, and how to communicate effectively.

Question 2:- Which is easier, making a decision by oneself or making a decision after a group discussion?

Answer 2:-The ease of making a decision by oneself or after a group discussion can vary depending on the situation and individual preferences. In my opinion, making a decision by oneself can be easier in certain circumstances. When making decisions individually, there is greater autonomy and independence to consider personal desires, needs, and values without external influence. This can lead to quicker decision-making and a sense of personal satisfaction. On the other hand, On the other hand, making a decision after a group discussion can have its advantages. Group discussions allow for diverse perspectives, knowledge sharing, and the opportunity to consider different viewpoints and potential consequences. However, group decision-making can also be more time-consuming and prone to conflicts or compromises. Ultimately, the ease of decision-making depends on the complexity of the decision, the individual’s decision-making style, and the availability of relevant information and resources.

Question 3:- Why are many young people unwilling to listen to their parent’s advice?

Answer 3:- Many young people may be unwilling to listen to their parent’s advice for various reasons. Firstly, during adolescence and early adulthood, individuals often seek to establish their independence and identity, which can lead to a desire to make their own decisions and choices. They may want to explore their own path and assert their autonomy. Secondly, generation gaps and cultural and societal norms differences can lead to a disconnect between parents and young people. The younger generation may feel that their parents’ advice is outdated or irrelevant to their experiences and aspirations. Communication issues or conflicts within the parent-child relationship can also contribute to a reluctance to listen to parental advice. It’s important to note that while some young people may resist parental advice, many others still value their parents’ guidance and support.

Question 4:- Why do middle-aged people tend to second-guess their decisions?

Answer 4:-Middle-aged people tend to second-guess their decisions for several reasons. Firstly, reaching middle age often coincides with a stage of life where individuals reflect on their past choices and evaluate the outcomes.  Secondly, middle-aged individuals may experience significant life changes such as career transitions, family responsibilities, or personal aspirations. These changes can create uncertainty and a need to reevaluate decisions made earlier in life. Additionally, middle age is often associated with a greater sense of responsibility and the realization of time passing.

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