Describe a Friend You Like to Talk With: Recent Speaking Cue card

Describe a friend you like to talk with

  • Who he/she is?
  • What you like to talk about?
  • Why do you like to talk with him/her?
  • And explain how you feel about him/her.

Sample 1 Describe a Friend You Like to Talk With

There are so many companions whom I have and whom I meet daily; however, there is one special friend who is close to my heart, Nishanth. So I have known him since my school days. We were used to sitting together on the same bench during my elementary school days, so he is one of the most important people in my life because whenever I face any challenges, he is always by my side.

Whenever I have a conversation with him, we mostly discuss the hurdles we are experiencing in our personal life or in our workplaces. Recently there was a huge job balance which I could not go through due to extreme depression and anxiety.

He encouraged me by looking after me and having a proper and regular conversation with patience. I would feel so relaxed, and I was on Cloud Nine that I had received such a good friend. Whenever I talk to him, I feel so relaxed. It is so rejuvenating. I have even had a small chat with him. I would say he is the most important person in my life, and I feel so happy to have him.


Sample 2 Describe a Friend You Like to Talk With

Friends are too vital for everyone and even play a significant role in managing the life of an individual. Friendship is necessary every time we share many things with friends. I am introverted and have a very small circle because I believe in quality rather than quantity.

Here I would like to talk about a friend which I like very much he is none other the name of my friend is Rahul. He is only 25. He is very tall and handsome. I like his company due to an abundance of reasons. Even I get positive vibes from him, so that’s the reason.

I like his company because Rahul is my childhood friend. We also did a lot of extracurricular activities when we were a child. Even I also shared my personal feelings with him because that person I found the quality Genuine inside this person because he’s very kind-hearted.

Moreover, he donated a sum of money towards the NGO and provided all possible support to the needy. I remember being stocked in the last year when I was in a dilemma and too depressed about thinking about my plans, so that was the person.

I shared everything with him even he boosted my confidence level and addressed how to tackle and handle that kind of situation with the presence of mind. He also gave me all possible motivational and inspirational lessons, which I learnt immediately.

Moreover, in our daily routine, we also share a lot of things. We also discuss everything about politics and other kinds of information over social media platforms, and even we also share pictures, songs and jokes. Sometimes we also laugh at a specific thing, so last day when I was awake the whole night.

I immediately called over the night, and we also talked for about 5 to 6 hours the whole night because I also shared a lot of things with him and learnt some quality lessons from his knowledge because he has a Bank of Knowledge about each and everything, so that is a person which I like to share all the things without any hurdles. I always feel delighted and over the moon when I like to talk with my friend.

Part 3 Questions Describe a Friend You Like to Talk With

Question 1:- Where do young people like to meet?

Answer 1:- In the current generation, stars like to hang out in their homes or in good restaurants. We are setting up ambiences that attract young people, and it is feasible for them to have good get-togethers. These kinds of spots enable the younger generation to have casual discussions.

Answer 2:- There are lots of locations where young people like to meet each other, so one of the most famous locations is a restaurant because they have to start their conversation in the restaurant’s ambience and have a cup of coffee. After all, a cup of coffee enhances the conversation, even in the open Park and theatre where people like to meet in the open sky.

Question 2:- What do young people talk about when they meet up?

Answer 1:- Generally in stores in this generation are suffering from depression and anxiety, and they are overloaded with a lot of responsibilities in their life, so I believe that whenever they get a chance to hang out with each other, they would discuss the problems which they are going through in their life when they discuss their feels So relaxed, and it also motivates one person.

Answer 2:- They are lots of topics which youngsters like to start a conversation on a specific topic when they like to meet each other sometimes youngsters like to share their personal feelings with them also take a lot of vacations and trips which they feel delighted about sometimes they organise some events to spend their quality time in food activity, so they are some assets which people like to do conversation when they meet up regularly.

Question 3:- Do you think people should be honest when talking with friends?

Answer 1:- Absolutely I feel that with we get a chance to be how we are, and they are the only people with whom we can be transparent, so I believe that it is sorry the person to be true to their friends and share whatever they are experiencing in their life and it is definitely not a good idea to be fake with them.

Answer 2:- I think it depends on the relationship of the person because in this modern era there is some conflict and dispute between two friends and they are not able to handle it easily because of honesty and loyalty not being alive anymore in a different circle some friends also believe in friendship they always share their film with them. After all, they want to enhance the elation ship bonding with each other and like to get stronger daily.

Question 4:- On what occasions do people talk with strangers?

Answer 1:- There are so many situations where people talk with strangers. For instance, if I have to talk to customer care, the other person, the attendee, might be a stranger, so that is one situation I have to encounter. If I go to any retail store, then the employee who is working there would communicate with me, and he would like he or she would try to produce with me, so these are some of the situations where we talk with amount people, and I feel that we talk with these people daily knowingly or unknowingly.

Answer 2:- Talk with a stranger there is some situation in which people like to talk with strangers when they are ever in a public area, and they also want to seek help from others. They call strangers without any problem because people are more willing to give a helping as towards those in need. Moreover, In a few situations where people forget the route, their followers like to stop their card and ask about the specific route, which they people get familiar with that location, so they are some coincidence which people like to talk with a Stranger.

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