Describe a Piece of Good News You Heard from Others

Describe a piece of good news you heard from others.

  • What was it?
  • When you received this news?
  • How you received this news?
  • Why do you feel it was a piece of good news?

SAMPLE ANSWER 1:-Describe a Piece of Good News You Heard from Others

Well, I love to read the newspapers, but sometimes I miss some topics to read and. that topic sometime I hear from my friends or family members. However, here I would like to talk about it. The good news which I hear from my one friend. Actually, the news is of different types. Sometimes news is good as well as sometimes not good.

So this is my friend Banti Patel who came to my house when I was sitting at home and watching TV suddenly. He started the conversation, and then he told me about something new. The scheme which the government planned to announce for the people at that time. I was also planning to buy one new car, and that news about subsidies on electric vehicles.

So I was surprised at first and couldn’t believe it. On the word of my friends and I. I was curious about knowing something in detail. Then I. Told my friends to please send me some other details, And then he told me the government would announce some new subsidies on electric vehicles, about 10 to 20%, at first, and if they find something interesting, they can also improve this—subsidy in the future.

So. Hey. It was good news for me because I also planned to buy a new electric car. Electric cars also benefit our environment because they can use electricity rather than using fossil fuel. So it can help to reduce carbon emissions of carbon footprint. And I am also the environment.

So I love to support the environment and the cost of the car is also significantly cheaper as compared to the other new latest model car in the market and it is also significantly cheaper and cost of vision and also the very attractive car I feel it is very good for. The people and. Like I was on top of the mountain. Because it was my first car which I bought with Varun Mani.

Part 3 Questions: Describe a Piece of Good News You Heard from Others

Question 1:- How do people share the good news?

Answer 1:-Different people share the good news in different ways. Most people share the good news by sharing. Pictures over posting on social media accounts such as WhatsApp, Facebook, or Instagram, but many peoples share the good news—however, one other group of people. I prefer to meet. They are the liable person in face to face, and then they share the good news with others. Hey. Some news related to parents or they clears any exams and many more things.

Question 2:- How does modern technology affect the delivery of information?

ANSWER 2:-Well. Today’s date modern technology can affect. Variety of. To deliver information to the people. Firstly, I would like to talk about. It is faster. Let’s compare the past technology. For example, nowadays, people share news on social media just in seconds. Or they can also.

Question 3:- When do people share the good news?

Answer 3:-People can Share the good news any time, whenever they achieve their goals. They try something new or they. I feel very happy. Most of the time, people share the news in the early morning. And because of such results, exam results came in the early morning, so obviously, they shared when they got them.

Question 4:- What kinds of good news have you received before?

Answer 3:-I have received it—a lot of good news in my life. When I was a child, I used to receive news about my results, and when I was young, I received news about selecting something. Jobs nowadays, I receive news related to being covered, father.

Question 5:- What kind of good news do people like to hear?

Answer 5:-People like to hear all kinds of good news because. People like to hear all kinds of good news because good news is always good for people. They love to hear good news from other people rather than good news from their own. Because when someone says good news, then they also feel like. They are also. Supporting. India, good time.

Question 6:- Why do people share news on social media?

Answer 6:-People Share good news on social media because of many reasons. The first and foremost reason is that they are connected with many people on social media platforms so that they can share instant news with their friends, and one another reason is that. Social media platforms are completely free of cost, and also people have options to comment and congratulate others for achievements.

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