Describe a Situation when You Helped Someone

Describe a Situation when You Helped Someone

  • What the Situation Was?
  • Who the Person Was?
  • How Did You Help Them?
  • And Explain how You Felt After Helping Them.

It’s from my nursery school days. When I was 10, we used to go to a reputed school because of my dad’s wish. I helped my brother by giving him my exam pad, even though I had only one.

That was exam day; everyone needed a pad, or else they would be expelled without taking the exam. ✏️📚 So, I helped him out by giving him my exam pad, even though I knew that I was going to be in big trouble.

On that day, I committed a mischievous act by taking an exam pad from my friend. Eventually, they caught me and scolded me severely. 😔

At last, even though I knew what I had done was wrong, I felt happy because I saved my brother from getting scolded by his teachers. 😊

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Part 3 Questions: Describe a Situation when You Helped Someone

Question 1:- Do You Think It’s Important to Help People?

Yeah, it is mandatory to help others, but we should check whether it is needed for them or not. We have to confirm whether it is wise to help that person in that particular situation.

Question 2:- Do People Hesitate to Seek Help?

Of course, an introverted person like me would hesitate to seek help from others. They don’t even prefer to get help from their parents and kin.

Question 3:- Have You Ever Sought Help from Others?

Yeah, I do. Sometimes, I get a little comfort from any of my friends, even though I am introverted, I’ll reach out to them for help. But only in a dire situation.

Question 4:- How Can Our Country Help Visitors?

Our country can help visitors by making them feel at home and being more friendly to foreigners. Especially when foreigners come to our country, they may feel a little nervous and hesitate because of cultural and language differences. We can understand their situation and help them seek out their needs.

Question 5:- How Can We Encourage Children to Help Others?

Believe me, children are far better observers than we are. They learn from their parents, siblings, and teachers. We have to be role models for them. It’ll make them follow a good path. We can even offer them treats when they help others. This may encourage them to look for others’ problems.

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