Describe a Teacher From The Past Whom You Remember

Describe a teacher from the past whom you remember; You should say:

  • what class the teacher taught you and how old you were
  • what subject he/she taught you
  • what this teacher’s special qualities were
  • and explain why still you remember this teacher.

Sample Answer of Describe a Teacher from The Past Whom You Remember

Well, I will start by saying that I strongly believe that a good teacher plays a key role in a child’s comprehensive development, and some of them often leave a lifelong impression due to their unique style or quality. During our academic journey, I came across many mentors who were brilliant in their jobs. Still, here I would like to take this opportunity to talk about one such mentor whom I admire and remember dearly to date.

I am talking about Ms Meenu, who was my language teacher while I was studying in grade 7, and she was in charge of teaching us the Hindi language, a widely spoken language in my country. I was around 15 then.

I must mention that although I was really good at conversing in Hindi owing to the fact that it is my mother tongue, I was struggling in the writing aspect of this language. Hindi is based on a Devanagari script that is considered one of the most difficult scripts to write. Back then, writing long essays in Hindi was a nightmare for me. Moving on, when Ms Meenu was allocated as our class teacher for this language, My first impression of her was nothing special but of an ordinary teacher. Eventually, I got impressed by her teacher style, where her way of explaining the lectures was not conventional but more interactive. One of the interesting facts I remember is that she introduced a buddy system where students were grouped in pairs and shared regular feedback.


Anyway, I still remember this teacher because of her unique teaching style and her optimistic approach to any problem.

Follow-ups Describe a Teacher from The Past Whom You Remember.

Question 1  What kind of person, in your opinion, makes a good teacher?

Answer – Well, at the top of my head, I’d say that communication skills are the foremost criteria for becoming a good educator. What this means, the teacher should be able to express her thought clearly and creatively to the students. Another important aspect is patience, which is important considering that not every student learns at the same pace, and some need extra attention. Lastly but obvious, I’d say that a good mentor should have a vast knowledge of his teaching subject. So, overall there are the qualities that make the person a good mentor.

Question 2 Why do some people choose to become teachers?

Answer – Well, if you ask me, I’d say it’s mainly because of their passion for teaching. Some people really enjoy sharing their knowledge, and they feel content afterwards. To cite an instance here, my best friend decided to pursue this career choice in high school after realising her passion while teaching community children. Another reason could be that some want to change the education system while being part of it. Having said that, it is true that nowadays, fewer youth seem interested in opting for the teaching profession mainly because of low remuneration.

Question 3 Do you think the education process will change in the future? How?

Answer – Well, I am positive that there will be significant changes in the area of education down the road, and some of them have already been evident in some places. What I mean, the concept of smart classrooms is already implemented in some schools which are aimed towards integrating technology with education, and in my opinion, and this is a futuristic approach in the education sector. A few decades from now, in virtual classrooms, distance learning might be more popular than today. We might see a world where education is not restricted to the city or country boundaries, and many students across different countries can get the education via digital classrooms.

Question 4 How does technology affect education?

Answer – As for me, technology has been proven immensely beneficial in the area of education. With the concept of distance learning, many working adults are able to complete their further studies from their place without affecting their work schedule. In addition, people have felt the power of technology in this pandemic era, where millions of kids are able to continue their studies for almost 2 years now without disruption via virtual classrooms. Otherwise, the loss would have been detrimental to the student’s careers. For these reasons, technology has proven to be a boon in the education sector.

Question 5 Who do you think should be responsible for teaching manners and good behaviour to young children – parents or teachers? Why?

Well, I’m on the fence for this one. On the one hand, parents are the first teachers for their wards, and it is often seen that children tend to imbibe their parents’ good or bad behaviour. Studies have shown that students from dysfunctional families usually lack social etiquette and exhibit bad behaviour. On the other hand, since students spend a lot of time in school with teachers, their primary responsibility is not just to impart academic knowledge but also to make them understand and aware of basic concepts of lifelike discipline or how to behave in a society.

Question 6 What modern techniques should teachers adopt to make the teaching more fun and intuitive, especially for children?

Answer – Well, I cannot say that I am an expert in this field, but at the top of my head, I’d say that educators should be more creative or innovative in their teaching style. They can use student-centred activities, where the connection between teacher and student is more. It shouldn’t be one-way communication where a teacher gives a lecture and students are expected to understand and write it down simultaneously. Another good approach would be project-based learning, where each concept can be explained practically via group projects in the class, and I think children will enjoy it more.

Question 7 How has education changed in your country in the last 10 years?

Answer – Indeed, it has changed a lot. Unlike a decade back, where the centre of focus was solely on the academics performance of the child, now parents are more focused on the comprehensive development of their wards. Many educational institutions are offering a perfect blend of academics and other activities in the school curriculum. For instance, subjects like public speaking and robotics have now been introduced in many schools’ primary classes’ syllabus. In addition, it is common nowadays to enrol your child in a school with IGCSE or Cambridge board which has an international curriculum to follow. Overall, I feel things have changed for the better.

Question 8 What changes do you foresee in the next 50 years?

Answer – 50 years is a long period, nowadays technology is advancing at a breakneck pace, so it is difficult to predict what will happen in the distant future. But let me try.

I guess the education system in my country will go through a paradigm shift where technology dominates various aspects of it.       There will be virtual classrooms where children, regardless of their place or age, attend the class from the comfort of their homes. Robots or Artificial intelligence would act as a mentor in most cases, and one can connect to a human teacher only in case of specific situations set by the regulations of the education department. In addition, I can imagine exams would be fully automated and computer-based. These all are that I can think of as per my imagination.

Question 9 How do the expectations of today’s school leavers compare with those of the previous generation?

Answer – Well, school graduates nowadays are expected to study further post completion of high school. The job market today is fiercely competitive compared to the past. Fetching a job requires good talent, good grades in school and college, soft skills, and many other criteria. The competition in public service or government jobs is even higher. In the past, there were fewer graduates, hence securing the job was comparatively easier. But If I talk about the current scenario, recruiters are looking for candidates with prior job experience or at least a bachelor’s degree. Hence it is imperative for school leavers nowadays to continue their studies.

Question 10 How beneficial do you think it is to group students according to their level of ability?

Answer – In my opinion, if a group comprises students with the same calibre and talent, it would benefit the members. The main reason is the pace of the learning would be almost similar so, there will not be any wastage of time. Another reason I can think of is that conversations will be franker and productive among peers with the same level. Hence conversations would likely be more productive.

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